

Christiaan Gerhardus Ebersöhn

The evening hours … began the morning

The evening that begins the day of Nisan 14 is Nisan 13



Nisan 14 that begins the evening of Nisan 13 is the Lord's Passover.  It is the day that leaven is removed from the home and the Passover Lamb is killed.  It is the preparation day for the Annual High Sabbath that is the first day of Passover - Nisan 15 that begins the evening of Nisan 14.



BG, praise God! I agree 100%!!

See, written decades ago, and published unaltered a second time about 5 years ago? ... here, http://www.biblestudents.co.za/books/Book%201,%201%20Passover%20to%20Crucifixion.pdf

page 5.



The evening that begins the day of Nisan 14 is Nisan 13.  



Yes! The NIGHT- and LAST part that used to be Nisan 13, CHANGED into the first and day-part of what THAT DAY had become Nisan 14. BUT JUST THAT ONCE for the very first passover ever, in Egypt. 

See in the sketch "end of 430 years" and of the old dispensation of slavery and bondage that through the passover had become the new era of freedom through the passover - "SUFFERING" - of our Lord Jesus Christ, ONCE for the last passover ever, in Egypt in hell in the Kingdom of the Father. 

It is therefore that you will find Nisan 14 ONLY THIS ONCE in the Torah and all the Bible, seen as and named, the passover's "feast" ... 12:14. But already in verse 18, see the FIFTEENTH of the First Month IMPLIED for having become the PERMANENT, "Feast-of-passover". 



It is the night of the Lord's Passover Meal with the disciples.



YES! "the Lord's"; but for the disciples and for us, the NEW, "Lord's Supper". For Christ the Lord, it is the NIGHT of the Lord's Meal of Passion / Suffering: BEING "our Passover" and "Lamb of God". 

“THIS NIGHT” BEGAN the "three days thick darkness" of the ninth and tenth PLAGUES - "the PLAGUE (that) was upon Him"!!!

“THIS NIGHT” is the first NIGHT of the "three days and three NIGHTS" of Christ's JONAS'-suffering: his DESCENT TO HELL. "It was the night that He was tried and sentenced to death." ... that is you saying, dear BG, appropriately, legitimately and CORRECTLY! ... “THIS DAY”— like you say further ... "Promptly on the day of Nisan 14 precisely at 6 AM Jesus was turned over for crucifixion."

WONDERFUL! Gloria in excelsis Deo! 

... now... slow down ... because here comes trouble ...

"When those in the Exodus left Egypt they selected the Passover Lamb on Nisan 10 - the seventh day Sabbath...." 

Ach, HOW did you get t-h-a-t-?  Ach, please explain, my soul?! 


"They killed the lamb on Nisan 14 - Wednesday - --------

... no ... I'm finished ... lame ... DUMB FOUNDED! "... Wednesday ..." ag, mamma mia ... ... so the rest will have to wait until you explained your "Wednesday" to me ... please. I apologise, but please, this is such a disappointment to me. 






In the fourteenth day of the first month (Nisan 14) at even is the Lord's passover.

The evening that begins the day of Nisan 14 is Nisan 13.  It is the

night of the Lord's Passover Meal with the disciples.  It was the night that He was tried and sentenced to death.  Promptly on the day of Nisan 14 precisely at 6 AM Jesus was turned over for crucifixion. 

When those in the Exodus left Egypt they selected the Passover Lamb on Nisan 10 - the seventh day Sabbath.  They killed the lamb on Nisan 14 - Wednesday - and applied it to the door posts of their homes.  At midnight the evening of Nisan 14 death passed over the homes where the blood at been applied; it was the evening of the first day of Passover



Re: “It was the night that He was tried and sentenced to death. Promptly on the day of Nisan 14 precisely at 6 AM Jesus was turned over for crucifixion.”


FIRST of the “three days” …

“THIS DAY …” (Luke 22:34) beginning, sunset …

“EVENING …” Mark 14:12,17 Matthew 26:17,20 Luke 22:7,14 John 13:1

“… when the hour” Luke 22:14

“NIGHT …” John 13:30

“… hour and power of darkness …” Luke 22:53,61

“AS DAY BROKE …” Luke 22:66

“TODAY … Luke 23:43

“The ASSEMBLY …” – Luke 23:48a Mark 15:16,41 Matthew 27:36,47 John 19:26 “… pierced my hands and feet. Psalm 22:16

“… the sixth hour …” Luke 23:44a

“… NINTH hour … 44b

“ALL RETURNED” Luke 23:48.


Re: “When those in the Exodus left Egypt they selected the Passover Lamb on Nisan 10 - the seventh day Sabbath.  They killed the lamb on Nisan 14 - Wednesday - and applied it to the door posts of their homes.”

First of all, REMOVE your ADDING to God’s Word and remove “- Wednesday -” so we may have the TRUTH ONLY:

When those in the Exodus left Egypt they selected the Passover Lamb on Nisan 10 [remove: - the seventh day Sabbath].  They killed the lamb on Nisan 14 and applied it to the door posts of their homes.”


Now …



The day of Nisan 15, the day of the Annual Sabbath, the first day of Passover those in the Exodus left Egypt




HERE is the KEY to the correct UNDERSTANDING of the Passover of Yahweh Jesus Christ …

SECOND of the “three days” …

“THAT DAY” (Luke 22:54a)

“Selfsame Day / BONE-Day”* “sabbath” Ex 12:17,51 Lev 23:11,15,16

“… great day sabbath” John 19:31

“FIRST DAY eat nothing leavened” Ex 12:20

“FIRST DAY EAT Unleavened Bread” Ex 12:15c,16a Lev 23:7 …

“This Selfsame Day brought out” Ex 12:17, Nmb 33:3

“THIS DAY FEAST” Ex 12:40 John 18:28x19:31


“EVENING …” Mark 15:42 Matthew 27:57 John 19:31 Luke 23:50

“THEREFORE, SINCE it had become the Preparation …

“BECAUSE THAT (sabbath) day was great sabbath(-day)” John


“… they brake not his legs …” John 19:33,36 Ex 12:9

“… out of his side came blood” John 19:34, 7:9 Ex 12:22,23,13

“… for a sign which shall be spoken against” Luke 2:34,35

“My bones are pierced in Me IN THE NIGHT” Job 30:17

“They shall look upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him as one mourneth for his only son and shall be in bitterness for his firstborn.” Zechariah 12:10b Exodus 12:30 “In the NIGHT there was a great cry for not a house was there without a firstborn dead.”

“AFTER THIS …” John 19:38

“… Behold! there came Joseph …” Luke 23:50

“THE FIRST NIGHT … also Nicodemus came there …” John 19:39

“BY THE TIME therefore of the Jews’ preparations, laid they Jesus” John 19:42

“Joseph rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulchre …” Mark 15:46

“… and departed.” Matthew 27:60

“THAT DAY had been The Preparation, and the Sabbath began to draw near.” Luke 23:54. 

“Having returned home, the women prepared spices and ointments, and …”

after sunset-end of

“… the Fore-Sabbath …” Mark 15:42

“…began to rest the Sabbath according to the Commandment.” Luke 23:56b

*“BONE-Day”-“Combined/Combining-Day” Ex 12:9 from the night-LAST-part of Abib 13 “at the end of the four hundred and thirty years” Ex 12:41a having become the night-FIRST-part of Abib 14 Ex 12:14.

There clearly are two daylights before and after the only night involved in the exodus story from chapter 12:1 to chapter 13:22.

Exodus 12-13 includes and combines two nights into one, and two daylights into one, and so includes and combines 1) slaughter and eating and incineration of passover,  2) removal of leaven and eat of unleavened bread, and 3) exodus from Egypt and exodus into the wilderness, into and upon the same DATE “on the

FOURTEENTH day of the First Month”.

Translation should clearly lift out the NIGHT to render the truth; if not the exact TIME of events, also the events are falsified. The reader must adapt to Scripture; not Scripture to the reader.

Jesus was HIMSELF, the Passover: ‘pascha’, ‘to SUFFER’! SUFFERING IN DYING THE DEATH OF DEATH Jesus Christ “ATE, the flesh WITH the bread” and “DRANK, the Cup” to the dredge, his SUFFERING BEING the FULL Passover MEAL of Yahweh.

See how the NEW Covenant Passover brought the TWO “nights” of the exodus back into ONE, by once-for-all being SACRIFICE AND EATING of the Passover of Yahweh on the FOURTEENTH day of the First Month “FEAST”— its NIGHT!

NOW we may proceed …



The days of the week surrounding the events of the Exodus are recorded in the Talmud.  Jesus fulfilled those dates with precision in 30 AD on the same days of the week as they were fulfilled at the time of the Exodus. 

He presented Hisself as the Passover Lamb in Jerusalem on Nisan 10 - the seventh day Sabbath, March 30, 30 AD - John 12.  He died at 3 PM on Nisan 14, Wednesday, April 3, 30 AD.  A 3-night guard of the tomb was set the morning of Nisan 15, Thursday in 30 AD.  The guard for 3 nights (Thursday, Friday and Saturday in 30 AD) ended at 6 AM on Nisan 18 the fourth day of Passover, the first day of the week, Sunday morning in 30 AD. 

Jesus was resurrected from His death on Nisan 17, the third day of Passover at 3 PM.  It was on the seventh day weekly Sabbath precisely 3 days and 3 nights from the time of His death at 3 PM on the Lord's Passover, Nisan 14



Re: “Nisan 10 - the seventh day Sabbath

According to BG:

Nisan 10 - the seventh day Sabbath

Nisan 11 the First Day of the week

Nisan 12 the Second Day of the week

Nisan 13 the Third Day of the week

Nisan 14 the Fourth Day of the week: “the first day [passover] kill”

Nisan 15 the Fifth Day of the week: “the first day EAT no leaven” and second day passover

Nisan 16 the Sixth Day of the week: second day “EAT unleavened bread”, “the third day” and “day after the sabbath” of passover ---Jesus did not resurrect on the Sixth Day of the week!

BG is wrong!



 The death of Jesus was on the Day of Preparation for the Annual High Sabbath - the first day of Passover that began at 6 PM the evening of Nisan 14 that begins the day of Nisan 15.  Jesus died 3 hours before the Annual High Sabbath.

… Nisan 16 is the second day of Passover



Re: “The days of the week surrounding the events of the Exodus are recorded in the Talmud. 

Reject the Talmud!

You, yourself, BG, just above, have said, yourself,

quote one, “When those in the Exodus left Egypt they selected the Passover Lamb on Nisan 10 ….  They killed the lamb on Nisan 14 and applied it to the door posts of their homes.”

That is day one of passover— “Nisan 14”;

quote two, “The day of Nisan 15, the day of the Annual Sabbath, the first day of Passover those in the Exodus left Egypt.”

THAT, ‘is the second day of Passover’— “Nisan 15”!

It’s NOT, “Nisan 16 is the second day of Passover”.

Nisan 16 is the second day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, ja! But Nisan 16 is the THIRD day of Israel’s passover as, of the Passover of Yahweh.



It [“Nisan 16”] is 49 days from the date of Passover that begins the evening of Sivan 5.  The day of Pentecost is Sivan 6 which is 50 days from Nisan 15 - the first day of Passover.



Shavuot is part of the passover. But let’s leave it for now; we have more than enough than we can handle right now with the passover as such. Only “Nisan 16” is 49 days from Pentecost— Pentecost the day after the seven weeks Nisan 16 was the first day of.



Nisan 16, the second day of Passover, is First Fruits when an Omer of Barley from the first fruits of the land is given to God



How you got you swerving car back on the tar is simply marvellous! Indeed … BUT you’re still chasing on, on the wrong side up against the traffic of the Scriptures, because, again, Nisan 16, the second day of unleavened bread eaten, is First Sheaf Offering when waved before the LORD. 



Nisan 17 is the third day of Passover.



Relief! There’s it … now calmly … straight ahead … the right side traffic … ahh … smooth going. Eish!





The days of the week surrounding the events of the Exodus are recorded in the Talmud


Please watch where you’re driving! Don’t drive where you’re watching! Stay on the Road! He said, I-AM the WAY! Forget those Christian-times Jews!  Everything they wrote, was to crush Christianity! Throw those cursed writings in the fire; that’s the only opportunity they will give you a few minutes of warmth.



Jesus fulfilled those dates with precision ….



Yes, Luke 24:26,27,32,44-46.



… Jesus fulfilled those dates with precision in 30 AD ….



It is of no importance in which year (exactly) Jesus fulfilled those

dates; it is of paramount importance that He fulfilled those dates in whichever year (exactly).



… Jesus fulfilled those dates with precision in 30 AD on the same days of the week as they were fulfilled at the time of the Exodus



That’s it! That’s what I mean! Jesus fulfilled those dates with precision on the same days of the week as they were fulfilled at the time of the Exodus. BG! God’s Truth is GOD’S Truth no matter WHOM He graced to discover it. God is Great! Bow low before his marvellous mercies. … on the same days OF THE WEEK, as they were fulfilled at the time of the exodus …! I don’t believe my eyes!  That is what I have been saying for half a century!



He presented Himself as the Passover Lamb in Jerusalem on Nisan 10 - the seventh day Sabbath …



Assumption! You just assume – because you assume a Wednesday for the Crucifixion – “Nisan 10 - the seventh day Sabbath”. But you face insurmountable obstacles … already exposed as well as on your way ahead. For sure … you’ll get to them, soon!



March 30, 30 AD - John 12.  He died at 3 PM on Nisan 14, Wednesday, April 3, 30 AD.  A 3-night guard of the tomb was set…



A 3-night guard”?! Not on your life! “heohs tehs tritehs hehmeras” --- “secure the grave DURING the THIRD day until its end” Blass Debrunner, “… ‘heohs’ während einer Zeit bis zum

ihren Abschluss”! 216,3

A ONE day – ROMAN guard’s ‘day’ – was set at the specific

request of the Jews, for the specific day they referred to, “the THIRD day” they heard Jesus spoke about.

The Jews LEFT “that sight” of the Crucifixion after Jesus had died, Luke 23:48, and “ALL forsook” Jesus as was PROPHESIED until “according to the ethics-LAW TO BURY” the passover Scriptures, “a man called Joseph of Arimathea appeared as out of nowhere” Luke 23:50, and “SECRETLY for fear the Jews” – would prevent him to bury the body of Jesus – and “AFTER th(o)se things” the Jews had asked Pilate for, “asked Pilate” to have Jesus’ body John 19:38.

THE JEWS DID NOT KNOW THAT JOSEPH WOULD, OR HAD, BURIED JESUS! THEY ONLY FOUND OUT “on the next morning” AFTER, the day Joseph HAD buried Jesus on – which was "The Preparation which is the Fore-Sabbath". When the Jews heard – “next morning after” –, they delayed no moment to get Pilate’s permission to have the grave secured so that Jesus would be prevented to resurrect and embarrass them before all the world!

Remember the Jews’ wish to have the legs of the crucified broken so that they may die and be “REMOVED” to ‘hades’ or ‘gehenna’ the smouldering trash heap of Jerusalem?  THAT’S what they – those Jews – thought, happened to Jesus. They did not think that He would get buried! Never!



He presented Himself as the Passover Lamb in Jerusalem on Nisan 10 - the seventh day Sabbath, March 30, 30 AD - John 12.  He died at 3 PM on Nisan 14, Wednesday, April 3, 30 AD.  A 3-night guard of the tomb was set the morning of Nisan 15, Thursday in 30 AD



Six days before the Feast” (of Nisan 15) on the seventh day Sabbath, Jesus had a meal “in Bethany where Lazarus lived”. He presented Himself as the Passover Lamb in Jerusalem “the next day” – John 12 verses 1 and 12, on Nisan 10 the First Day of the week – ‘Palm-Sunday’.  That means He died at 3 PM on Nisan 14, the Fifth Day of the week (‘Thursday’).

YOU CANNOT LEAVE OUT “BONE-DAY-BINDING-TOGETHER-DAY” of Nisan 15 from “evening the Preparation” UNTIL “mid-afternoon THAT DAY the Sabbath approaching”!!

The morning following the Preparation of the Jews” – “following” Nisan 15 – “the Jews asked Pilate … and Pilate said OK … so they went and made the sepulchre sure sealing the stone and setting a watch” … THAT VERY “MORNING” … “BUT … despite … late the Sabbath mid-afternoon bright daylight inclining towards the First Day of the week … the angel of the Lord descending from heaven cast away the stone from the sepulchre and [nonchalant, showing his contempt for the Jews and their

precautionary measures] SAT ON IT!



The guard for 3 nights (Thursday, Friday and Saturday in 30 AD) ended at 6 AM on Nisan 18 the fourth day of Passover, the first day of the week, Sunday morning in 30 AD. 

Jesus was resurrected from His death on Nisan 17 …



Your own gospel, “The guard for 3 nights”. I will not stand your lying! “For the third day / until the third day [which it was and which Jesus had spoken of] is over” is one day; not “for 3 nights”! The guard was requested “till the third day …” Jesus spoke about “… was over : lest his disciples come by NIGHT and steal him away” meaning – PROVING – that by Saturday night “the third day” would be OVER for both the Jews and Romans – by sunset for the Jews, and by midnight, for the Roman guard. By then everybody – also his disciples – could come and see for themselves – said the Jews –, “that deceiver” deceived everybody.

So you allege Jesus was dead for Wednesday – three hours, for Thursday, Friday, and the Sabbath for 21 hours = 72 hours, but the guard’s watch only “ended at 6 AM on Nisan 18 the fourth day of Passover, the first day of the week, Sunday morning in 30 AD”, implying Jesus sat there in his still closed, sealed and guarded grave for 15 hours and on the FIFTH day – Saturday night after midnight – only emerged from it?

How must anyone in his right mind react to such ‘logic’?



Jesus was resurrected from His death on Nisan 17,

the third day of Passover at 3 PM.  It was on the seventh day weekly Sabbath precisely 3 days and 3 nights from the time of His death at 3 PM on the Lord's Passover, Nisan 14.  The death of Jesus was on the Day of Preparation for the Annual High Sabbath - the first day of Passover that began at 6 PM the evening of Nisan 14 that begins the day of Nisan 15.  Jesus died 3 hours before the Annual High Sabbath.



The “evening of Nisan 14” begins the day of Nisan 14; not “the day of Nisan 15”! The evening – that is, its night immediately from after sunset – begins the subsequent prospective day, every day.

You know where the trouble comes in? You place the BURIAL on Crucifixion day! That’s the problem with ALL wrong Crucifixion theories, ‘Wednesday’ as well as ‘Friday’!

Get the “BONE-day” in place, and the jigsaw puzzle can be completed; but put that little piece the wrong place – “sever” it and cut the corners of BONE-day to fit into Crucifixion day – and you’ll NEVER complete the puzzle of the “three days” or “three days and three nights”!



3 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month (Nisan 10) they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house:

6 And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: (Nisan 14) and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening (between the evenings).

11 . . . ye shall eat it in haste: it is the Lord's passover.

13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you,

(The evening of Nisan 14 that begins the morning of Nisan 15 - the Annual High Sabbath - was the first day of Passover - the first time when death did pass over where the blood of the lamb was applied.) 



YES! Exactly, “… The evening of Nisan 14 that begins the morning of Nisan 15 - the Annual High Sabbath - was the first day of Passover - the first time when death did pass over where the

blood of the lamb was applied.)

The first time”! And the last time when death did pass over where the blood of the Lamb was applied.

Mark your words, “The evening of Nisan 14 that begins the morning of Nisan 15 - the Annual High Sabbath - was the first day of Passover - the first time …” which was the historic exodus the very only, “first time”— “the first time” – in the first place – of “the first day of Passover” for having been the “day” of sacrifice “when they always had to KILL the passover” and “the first day ye shall PUT AWAY leaven” (= to ‘kill’)  AS WELL AS – in the SECOND place – for having been the “day”, “the first … of Passover” “FEAST” Exodus 12:14 that is, the “day”, “the first … of …” Unleavened Bread EATEN.

But that was Exodus 12:14, and NEVER again— not even a verse or so after, verse 17, which CLEARLY in Numbers 33:3 is dated the FIFTEENTH day of Abib; or in verse 18 where the last and seventh eating of unleavened bread is dated on the 21st day so that the first eating of unleavened bread is being implied as having occurred on the FIFTEENTH day of the First Month.

So yes, you are correct having also confirmed that Exodus 12 recorded “the first day of Passover - the first time”.

Thank you very much, BG, for making it so simple, unambiguous, clear, AND EASY!

Just something else about this Scripture you quoted, “13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you …” (See above.) The blood of the lamb was put on the lintel and side posts of the doors as a symbol and type of Christ, Ex 12:22,13. I’m sure you will agree, not only the blood, but the door as such too, were “tokens” / types / figures of Christ. Because Jesus said He is the Door.

Now, let us never forget this was a ‘symbol / token in the NIGHT’. It showed forth Jesus’ side pierced and his blood as the Water of Life that He was, protruding from his side EVEN IN DEATH as an atonement for and cleansing of sin.

What I’m saying is, the Friday as well as Wednesday crucifixion fictions deny this by having placed the sword that pierced Jesus’ side in the DAYLIGHT BEFORE sunset and the NIGHT had set in. The Friday-theory is in every respect against the Scriptures, JUST LIKE the Wednesday-theory.



… and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.

Nisan 14 (Nisan 13/14) is the Lord's Passover, the day leaven is removed from the home and the Passover Lamb is killed in preparation for the evening of the first day of Passover.

Nisan 15 (Nisan 14/15) is the first day of Passover.  It is a day that God declared to be an Annual Sabbath.



Yes, you are quoting Scripture. I do not object. It is only that I think you harbour some misunderstandings here.

First, in here, quote,

… “kill it in the evening (between the evenings).”

between the evenings” AS SUCH, is, the UNDIVIDED time-indication and time-slot of “late” and “afternoon”, ‘towards’ the beginning of the next day whichever. “Between the evenings”- ‘behn-ha-arbayim’ is the PRECISE Hebrew equivalent of the NT Greek “tehi epiphohskousehi” and “opse”— BEFORE SUNSET --- NOT after sunset, ever!

NO, but NO sacrifice was ever, killed in the night between sunset and sunrise. Not in the BIBLE ANYWHERE. And THUS the sacrifice and death of “our Passover” and “Lamb of God” proved, from before had determined, and forever after, would confirm!

Next, in here, quote,

“(The evening of Nisan 14 that begins the morning of Nisan 15).

I’m afraid, that is over my head. How can an evening begin a morning????? An evening begins a night!

You do not NEED to stagger like this!  Why do you do it?!

Again, because you REDUCE the day of BURIAL to the one or two last minutes of Crucifixion day.

Third, in here, quote,

Nisan 14 (Nisan 13/14) is the Lord's Passover, the day leaven is removed from the home and the Passover Lamb is killed in

preparation for the evening of the first day of Passover.

Nisan 15 (Nisan 14/15) is the first day of Passover.  It is a day that God declared to be an Annual Sabbath.”

The apparent problem here is, you do not recognise Exodus 12’s EXCEPTIONAL historicity as FIRST-TIME EXPERIENCED REALITY. And that you as a result, do not take into consideration the LATER framing of history into Law – of the passover’s ‘institutionalisation’ at a time when the implication of the 13th have disappeared from the memory of posterity.

So that it will be true, Nisan 14’s (old era NIGHT of Nisan 13) is the Lord's Passover— Ex 12:8,14 et al, as well as “this / that day’s” NIGHT leaven is removed from the home— Ex 12:15 et al “… and the Passover Lamb is killed IN PREPARATION FOR the evening of the first day of Passover’s” UNLEAVENED BREAD EATEN.

Can you see the MERGING of the two nights and two days of the EXODUS-passover? It ended “THAT DAY” “THAT NIGHT”. Afterwards – like throughout all Scripture Old- and New Testament – the two nights and two days of “Nisan 14 (Nisan 13/14)” and “Nisan 15 (Nisan 14/15)” will be SEPARATED through the intervening of the sunset and following “EVENING” in between them.

As “the head” was not severed from “the legs and rest” of the passover-lamb Ex 12:9, so the “BONE” of the “BONE-DAY” John 19:31, held Crucifixion-day together. The “head”-day of the Resurrection, Ephesians 1:22; 4:5 Colossians 1:18 Isaiah 59:17 Ephesians 6;17 “That THAT DAY [of the resurrection] should not overtake you as a thief … let us who are of the day put on an helmet , the hope of salvation.” 1Thessalonians 5:4,8.

Nisan 15, the sunset to sunset passover-‘sabbath’, is “the first day

of Passover’s UNLEAVENED BREAD EATEN”.  “It is a day that God declared to be an Annual Sabbath”, BG. Amen!



Nisan 16 (Nisan 15/16) is the second day of Passover.  It is the

appointed time of first fruits.

Nisan 17 (Nisan 16/17) is the third day of Passover - the day of the crossing of the Red Sea at the time of the Exodus and the day of the resurrection of Jesus in 30 AD.

Nisan 18 (Nisan 17/18) is the fourth day of Passover.  ….



By now – since Exodus 12:14 has been followed by Scriptures such as verses 17 and 18 of the same chapter and Numbers 33:3 et al –, you no longer can equate “Nisan 16 (Nisan 15/16)” or “Nisan 17 (Nisan 16/17)” or “Nisan 18 (Nisan 17/18)”. Where is the Scripture that does that?! Exodus 12:14 itself got no further than Exodus 12:14!

Therefore you must speak like the Scriptures speak, of,

Nisan 14 is “the very first / first, first / head first day” of passover “ye shall kill the passover” and “ye shall remove leaven on”;

Nisan 15 is “the first day (of seven) ye shall eat unleavened bread on” and is the second, “first day” of passover; 

Nisan 16 is the third day of passover - It is the appointed time of first sheaf offering waved before the LORD. At the time of the Exodus it was the day the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and in our time, “the last days”, it was the day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. ‘Nisan 16’ is the first day “counted” of “seven sevens-of-days-and-one” to Pentecost;

Nisan 17 is the fourth day of Passover.  …. u.s.w.







Nisan 18 (Nisan 17/18) is the fourth day of Passover.  ….

It is the day that the tomb of Jesus was found empty.  Jesus was seen in His resurrected body the evening hours of Nisan 17 that began the day hours of Nisan 18.  He was seen before the morning - day hours - of Nisan 18 called Sunday morning.



Let the Word of God speak for itself …


It is the day that the tomb of Jesus was found empty.”

Now upon the First Day of the week in the deepest morning of night they came unto the sepulchre … and they entered in an FOUND NOT the body of Jesus” Luke 24:1,3.


Jesus was seen in His resurrected body the evening hours of Nisan 17 that began the day hours of Nisan 18.”

Mary … saw Jesus … supposing Him to be the gardener … He in His resurrected body early on the First Day of the week, appeared to Mary Magdalene first.” John 20:14,15 Mark 16:9.


He was seen before the morning - day hours - of Nisan 18 called Sunday morning.”

I do not suppose a gardener would start his first day’s work of the full week ahead, “before the morning - day hours”; but – as is clear from John 20:14,15 and Mark 16:9 –, “early”, sun’s rising, rather.



15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel.

18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at even,(Nisan 14) ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at even.

The evening of the day of Nisan 14 is Nisan 13.  The day of Nisan 14 is the first of seven days of unleavened bread.  The seven days are Nisan 14, Nisan 15, Nisan 16, Nisan 17, Nisan 18, Nisan 19 and Nisan 20.  Nisan 21 is a day declared by God to be an Annual High Sabbath.  It is the seventh day of Passover but contrary to what many believe it is not the seventh day of unleavened bread.

KJV Deuteronomy 16



Re: “The evening of the day of Nisan 14 is Nisan 13.”

It is not; The evening of the day of Nisan 14 is Nisan 14 its own evening after sunset until dark-of-night.

Re: “The day of Nisan 14 is the first of seven days of unleavened bread.”

It is not!

Nisan 15, is the first of seven days of unleavened bread eaten, Leviticus 23:6 Numbers 28:17 Josua 5:11 et al. 

Re: “The seven days are Nisan 14, Nisan 15, Nisan 16, Nisan 17, Nisan 18, Nisan 19 and Nisan 20.” 

The seven days are in their beginning-part of the NIGHT of each before “midnight” 1-Nisan 15, 2-Nisan 16, 3-Nisan 17, 4-Nisan 18, 5-Nisan 19, 6-Nisan 20 and 7-Nisan 21.

In the beginning-part of the NIGHT of Nisan 14 (the pre-exodus night and bygone and obsolete last part of Nisan 13), it is ‘bedikat-chamets’ – search for and removal of leaven. He who did not oblige was punished by death according to Torah Law! Exodus 12:15d.

In the Gospels Nisan 14 is spelled out: “the day of a-leaven” = “the day ye shall REMOVE leaven and kill the passover” --- NOT the day of unleaven-(ed bread) EATEN or the day of unleaven-(ed bread FEAST). See the (incomplete) illegitimate cursives in KJV.

Re: “Nisan 21 is a day declared by God to be an Annual High Sabbath.  It is the seventh day of Passover but contrary to what

many believe it is not the seventh day of unleavened bread.

KJV Deuteronomy 16

I’m sorry, BG, but “many” believe correctly and you, unfortunately, wrongly. And NO, “Nisan 21” – unlike Nisan 15 – is NOT “a day declared by God to be an Annual High Sabbath”.

It’s a fact!

Nisan 21” was the seventh day they ATE unleavened bread – just like on Nisan 15 – “The FEAST” was the first day they ATE unleavened bread. Yes, go read it in Deuteronomy 16:8. See if you can read it in the NT in John 18:28 x 19:31,39. Remember the word “Jesus” in John 19:39 is a corruption … a corruption in order to escape that “THIS THAT FIRST NIGHT” was the “first night” and “BONE-day” of the Passover of Yahweh.



5 Thou mayest not sacrifice the passover within any of thy gates, which the Lord thy God giveth thee. 6 But at the place which the Lord thy God shall choose to place his name in, there thou shalt sacrifice the passover at even, at the going down of the sun,  at the season that thou camest forth out of Egypt(the month of Nisan).  

7 And thou shalt roast and eat it in the place which the Lord thy God shall choose: and thou shalt turn in the morning, and go unto thy tents. 8 Six days thou shalt eat unleavened bread: and on the seventh day shall be a solemn assembly to the Lord thy God: thou shalt do no work therein.

Unleavened bread is eaten for seven days; Nisan 14 the day of the Lord’s Passover and for six additional days during the seven days of Passover that includes unleavened bread, two Annual Sabbaths (Nisan 15 and Nisan 21) and First Fruits. The Annual Sabbath in verse 8 is the one on Nisan 21 that begins at 6 PM on the date of the seventh day of unleavened bread – Nisan 20.

Deuteronomy 16

9 Seven weeks shalt thou number unto thee: begin to number the seven weeks from such time as thou beginnest to put the sickle to the corn.

(Nisan 16 is the appointed time of First Fruits when the sickle is put to the corn; 7 weeks, 49 days, from First Fruits – Nisan 16 – is Pentecost – Sivan 5/6; it is 50 days from the Annual High Sabbath of Nisan 15 – Nisan 14/15).



Re: >> Nisan 16 is the appointed time of First Fruits when the sickle is put to the corn; <<

Wrong! That is not written. It is written Nisan 16 – “the day after …” Nisan 15 “… the sabbath(-feast-day)” – is the appointed time to “BRING the first sheaf of the first fruits to be WAVED BEFORE THE LORD”. It is not written that the first sheaf was “reaped” or “gathered” from “the corners of your field / land” on the sixteenth day of the month. But “when ye shall have reaped for harvest your first sheaf” – only –, you must keep / store it over the Feast-sabbath of the fifteenth day of the First Month.

The “first sheaf” was “cut” or “reaped” and “lifted up” and “carried” off the field on the back, while “the gleaning of thy harvest you must leave lying for the poor”.

Thus the first sheaf was left till “on the day after the sabbath” of the passover it was ‘brought’ to be “waved”.

The Jews and their rabbi’s have had it all wrong “Nisan 16 is the appointed time of First Fruits when the sickle is put to the corn”. They invented these false impressions with the sole purpose to destroy Jesus’ perfect fulfilment of the passover because they do not believe that He is the Anointed of God.

Re: “Unleavened bread is eaten for seven days; Nisan 14 the day of the Lord’s Passover and for six additional days during the seven days of Passover that includes unleavened bread, two Annual Sabbaths (Nisan 15 and Nisan 21) and First Fruits.”

Yes, “Unleavened bread is eaten for seven days”, BUT – as you said yourself before, unleavened bread is eaten “Nisan 14 the day of the Lord’s Passover”, “the first time”! “The first time” in history “the first time on Nisan 14”, and the last! … “Nisan 14” in Exodus 12:14 was the ONLY and single instance of a historic, ‘behn-ha-arbayim’ “Dual” of ‘night’ (Young), “between the pair of nights” – translated “between the evenings”— better, “between the afternoons”, because the Passover of Yahweh was killed “in the middle of the afternoons”, “the ninth hour”, i.e., the moment between afternoon from noon until 3 p.m. and afternoon from 3 p.m. until sunset 6 p.m.. BUT NEVER AGAIN UNTIL CHRIST. Always on the hour of day yes; and always killed on the day of Nisan 14, yes; BUT NOT AGAIN EATEN ON NISAN 14, NO! NOT UNTIL CHRIST!



John 19:14 King James Version (KJV)

And it was the preparation of the passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!

It was the Day of preparation for the Passover not the first day of Passover.  Pilate turned Jesus over for crucifixion at 6 AM Roman time.  It was as the day of Nisan 14, the day of the Lord's Passover was beginning.



And it was the preparation of the passover” ‘ehn de paraskeueh tou pascha’ --- “OF the passover” – Genitive of BELONGING and KIND. This was ‘passover’ as ‘passover’ as it is commanded “keep passover the fourteenth day”. Abib 14 was passover – THE passover – “the Day of preparation …” NOT, “for” the passover [which would have required an Accusative, by the way], BUT, “The Preparation DAY, OF, the Passover” capital letters being the NAME of “the Preparation of the Passover”. In BOTH OT and NT, THUS identified, “the first day they had to always, KILL the passover … remove leaven.” In the OT even “the HEAD first day ye shall remove leaven”! 

“… not the first day of Passover”?! Unbelievable!



John 19:14 King James Version (KJV)

And it was the preparation of the passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!

It was the Day of preparation for the Passover not the first day of Passover.  Pilate turned Jesus over for crucifixion at 6 AM Roman time.  It was as the day of Nisan 14, the day of the Lord's Passover was beginning.



I showed you, dear BG, I showed you. Now you must do better than just repeat faulty and biased statements without reasoning.

I ask you politely, please make an attempt at least to give reason for the faith that in you is --- from the Scriptures, and from good sense, fact and truth and NOT FROM THE TALMUD.



KJV Mark 15

25 And it was the third hour, (Hour 3 - 9 AM) and they crucified him . . . (Jesus was on the cross 3 hours before darkness came.)

 33 And when the sixth hour (noon) was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour (3 PM) . . .

(There was darkness over the whole land for 3 hours. The light of the world was being taken away – John 8:12 – John 9:9.)

 37 And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost.

Jesus died at 3 PM. It was the ninth hour of the day as shown on the Hebrew Time Chart found here:  erased 


Re: "The scriptures do state that Mary Magdalene and Mary the

mother of Jesus were at the tomb together."

Ans: No, they do not. I think you have been reading 'Mary of Joseph' somehow somewhere, wrongly. Check up, you'll see for yourself. No! Once Jesus' mother had left the scene of the crucifixion at the arm of John, not she or he acts in any event until John again comes to the fore AFTER the Resurrection. Tradition of course makes a great deal of both John and Mary’s supposed presence, “until the very end”— in Ryle’s words.



The women who came from Galilee with Jesus went to the tomb after the body of Jesus was placed there.  My thoughts are that the Mother of Jesus came with Him from Galilee and was among the woman who came from Galilee who were at the tomb.



John’s thought was that the mother of Jesus had left with John for home before the darkness came at noon. I have no other thoughts to add. Besides, if “the mother of Jesus … was among the woman who came from Galilee who were at the tomb”, why is she not mentioned by name like the two of those women who actually were at the Burial? Because she was not mentioned, she was not there. Just like that applies for any other women who were not there.



Currently we're discussing

1.  whether Mary, the mother of Jesus was at the tomb right after the death of Jesus and whether she was with Mary Magdalene and saw Jesus in His resurrected body.  GE states that Mary the Mother of Jesus wasn't at the tomb either of those times.

2.  Whether the death of Jesus was on Wednesday.

3. Whether the second day of Passover is Nisan 16

There are also some other items that need to be discussed.

21 07 12

Guard against the seeds of Mary-worship. The LIE Jesus’ mother stayed at the cross and at the same directly afterwards at Burial and on Sunday morning was one of the first at the tomb --- IS ALL THE FABRICATION OF ROMAN CATHOLIC IDOLATRY, ‘Mary worship’. BEWARE!

Then, where is it stated so matter of fact, “The women who came from Galilee with Jesus went to the tomb after the body of Jesus was placed there”?! No women then, “went to the tomb”. The two women who “were there”, while “the body of Jesus was placed” in the tomb, are mentioned that they “LEFT and RETURNED home and prepared spices.” Mark 15:47 Matthew 27:61 Luke 23:56a!



Those women rested on the Annual Sabbath, the first day of Passover



Scripture, please? You have no Scripture.

They started to rest” it reads, Luke 23:56b, “the Sabbath according to the [Fourth] Commandment”, as soon as “that day the Preparation Luke 23:54a … that is the Fore-Sabbath” Mark 15:42 whose “daylight was inclining towards the Sabbath Day” Luke 23:54b was over and the Sabbath had begun right after sunset right after “that day the Preparation … which (was) the Fore-Sabbath” --- the Friday’s afternoon between 3 pm and 6 pm.  And the “Sabbath” the women directly after “that day” “had begun to rest” by keeping, was, “The Sabbath according to The Commandment”— undoubted the Fourth Commandment “Sabbath, Seventh Day, of the LORD GOD”. No “Annual Sabbath”, but the ‘weekly’ “Sabbath according to the (Fourth) Commandment.”

Sorry, BG.



Afterwards - on Nisan 16 the second day of Passover - the day before Nisan 17 the third day of Passover, the seventh day Sabbath in 30 AD, those women bought more spices to anoint the body of Jesus



It was not “those women”, the same as mentioned at the Burial, who “bought more spices”. The two Marys are mentioned, were at the Burial. No others. Of them says Luke, that they “went home and prepared …” not ‘bought’, “… spices and ointments”. 

I have answered this … please read it up … Three women – the two Marys and Salome, “AFTER the Sabbath had gone through, BOUGHT sweet spices”. They did not in the daylight “day” of “the second day of Passover” buy their “more spices”, but in the NIGHT, “after the Sabbath had ended”, sunset --- 27 hours after the two Marys on Friday afternoon “due to the Jews’ preparations” John 19:42, had “prepared” theirs.



It does state that Mary the mother of James (the half-brother of Jesus) bought spices



Where does it “state” that? It does not state it anywhere, any how.



Then the scriptures state the other Mary thought by me to be the mother of Jesus saw Him in His resurrected body after Mary Magadalene had seen Him earlier.

Luke 23 New King James Version (NKJV)

55 And the women who had come with Him from Galilee followed after, and they observed the tomb and how His body was laid. 56 Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils. And they rested on the (Annual) Sabbath according to the commandment.



Quote the ‘commandment’ that says spices and fragrant oils may not be bought or prepared on an “Annual Sabbath”? because that is what you are driving at. I am in this business for long enough to know. The whole Wednesday Crucifixion dogma rests on the principle of legalism – sucked from the thumb of non con poop scholars, theologians and  enthusiasts after fame and fortune. I must say, unexpectedly successful! The world is full of gullible Gullivers.



Mark 16:1 New King James Version (NKJV)

Now when the (Annual) Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene,Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, that they might come and anoint Him.



You have no right or reason to insert “(Annual)”.

You also CANNOT because the ‘annual sabbath’ you assume, was Thursday the day before “the Preparation that is the Fore-Sabbath”— ‘Friday’, while “the Sabbath” Mark speaks about was the weekly Sabbath which he supposed came after “the Preparation that is the Fore-Sabbath”— ‘Friday’, from 15:42 until Joseph had rolled the stone in the graves’ opening, 15:46d; and before “the First Day of the week, 16:2.

Marks 16:1’s “Sabbath” could only be the Sabbath Seventh Day of the week. I am really getting tired and irritated as I have to say the same things over and over!



Mark 15:47

And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses observed where He was laid.

Matthew 27

New King James Version (NKJV)

55 And many women who followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to Him, were there looking on from afar, 56 among whom were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses,[a] and the mother of Zebedee’s sons.

 Luke 23 states the women who came with Jesus from Galilee were at the tomb.  Matthew 27 identifies that Mary Madalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's sons were

among them.



Luke 23 states” nothing of the kind. The Greek states another scene. It states, “following behind were the women, who were accompanying Him out of Galilee. They saw the tomb and how his body was buried.” That means the two mentioned women – the two Marys – were from Galilee. It does not state that all the women who followed were from Galilee or that all the women from Galilee followed … or saw. Two women from Galilee are mentioned – in Mark and in Matthew – THEY followed; THEY saw. These are the facts – the only facts. Everybody has an opinion; only what is “stated” remains after everybody’s opinions as fact.

Now this is just plain wrong --- if not FALSE: “Luke 23 states the women who came with Jesus from Galilee were at the tomb.  Matthew 27 identifies that Mary Madalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's sons were among them.”

It is easy to say “Matthew 27 identifies”. It is impossible to say, Matthew 27:61 “identifies that Mary Madalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's sons were among them.” BG, Matthew 27:56 – at the Crucifixion – identifies that Mary Madalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's sons “were THERE”, that is, were at the Crucifixion; NOT “were among them” “the women following after” in the procession to the tomb and “sitting opposite the tomb, looking on” in “Matthew 27”:61!

I have told you many times now, BG, you JUST LIKE THE FRIDAY crucifixionists obliterate the whole of the day and date of the Burial-day “BONE-day” which the Scriptures OT and Gospels all four of them so EMPHASISE! 

Keep to the text, BG, please!

The text does not have “on Thursday night”, I beg you!

Three days thick darkness” of the plague— “the plague was upon

Him” … THOSE are the “three days” as well as the “three days and three nights” of Jesus’ Jonas-experience “in the HEART of the earth”. THREE DAYS CONSECUTIVE RELENTLESS UNINTERRUPTED DARKNESS OF HELL for Jesus Christ to redeem us! These “three days” only, exclusively, wholly, ONE Passover / Suffering of Christ to save us and to make atonement for our sins fully and finally.

The Wednesday Crucifixion theory BREAKS this UNITY, oneness and wholeness up and IMPORTS random pieces and parts of days to patch it up again. The most popular Wednesday Crucifixion theory uses FIVE different and irrelevant days or parts of days to construct the “three days” of the God-given and therefore eschatological imperative oneness and wholeness (Lohmeyer) of the passover of Yahweh.

You, BG, reduced it to four different and equally irrelevant days or parts of days.



GE says: You have no right or reason to insert “(Annual)”.

Yes I do.  God declare the first and seventh days of Passover to be Annual Sabbaths



I accept it too God did declare the first and seventh days of Passover to be Annual Sabbaths. It says nothing of the fourteenth day not also being the passover. How many times is it written “Keep passover the fourteenth day”?! And God in Exodus 12:14 declares the fourteenth day an annual ‘Feast’ by every description a ‘sabbath’ might require; so how can the fourteenth day not be passover and “the HEAD first day” of passover on which IT IS WRITTEN “ye shall remove leaven” – KILL His Life?! 



The Lord's Passover is the day of the sacrifice of the Lamb and the removal of leaven from the homes.  It is the day that Jesus was providing the means to remove the leaven (sin) from our life.  It was the day that Jesus was paying the wages of sin - death followed by Hell - for those who believe in His name



Re: “The Lord's Passover … was the day that Jesus was paying the wages of sin - death followed by Hell …

Hell was, Abib 14, “The Lord's Passover” / “The Lord's SUFFERING”

The exaltation of Jesus Christ began already in his death and Burial. The MIGHTY REFORMED DOCTRINE from the Scriptures!!

The Passover of Yahweh is in three stages

1) Alive in hell suffering the dying of the death of death, spiritually actively obeying against the powers of the kingdom of darkness— removing of the leaven of Divine LIFE, night of Abib 14.

2) Alive in hell suffering the dying of the death of death, physically passively obeying at the hand of wicked men— crucifixion of the Lamb of God, daylight of Abib 14.

3) Alive in hell suffering the dying of the death of death, spiritually and physically, actively and passively obeying against the forces of evil and powers of the world— three hours darkness in mid daylight until “the ninth hour” on Abib 14.

Then sat down the king of darkness: IRONY!

Feasting, eating and drinking, the wicked eat and drink JUDGMENT upon themselves! Revelling at the table the gormandizers assimilate corruptibility and death. “Wherefore whosoever  shall eat This Bread and drink This Cup of the SUFFERING of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.”

Herein already, the Lord Jesus Christ IN HIS DEATH, TRIUMPHED. Abib 15! FEAST of VICTORY!

Feast of hypocrites— no leaven found on them! Scarcely sat they to feast, haunts them their conscience! Sour is the wine! This meat, decayed. Bad odour from the herbs! That Crucified! This is our hour! This is our day! That Crucified!  Comes no good from Nazareth! Let’s go, Stinking Roman Pilate! Break their legs! Get them down! Into hades with that man, make haste! Great day our sabbath is this! This Selfsame Day!



It is the day that is a day of preparation for the Annual Sabbath, the first day of Passover on Nisan 14/15.

 Death only passed over where the blood of the lamb was applied.  The lamb had to be killed and applied so death would passover.  Death didn't passover on the Lord's Passover when the leaven was being removed and the lamb was being killed.  Death passed over after that work was finished. 

The reason the Lord's Passover isn't included as one of the seven days of Passover is because it isn't an evening or morning - day - when death did pass over.  The first time death did passover was the evening of the morning of the first day of Passover.  The first time death did pass over where the blood of the lamb was applied was the evening of Nisan 14 at midnight.  That evening and the next morning - the day of Nisan 15 are considered as the first day of Passover because it is when death passed over.

As stated, the Day of Preparation for that Annual Sabbath was not an evening or morning - not a day - that death did pass over.  It was a day that prepared the way for death to pass over.

The first day of Passover - the Annual High Sabbath - is Nisan 15



No! the “Annual High Sabbath - Nisan 15” was “The first day ye shall EAT UNLEAVENED BREAD”; was “the first day nothing leavened shall be eaten”; but was the second day of the passover-SEASON. This is what Christianity and Judaism have always taught, and I have always accepted. This has always been right, until arrived the Wednesday apostolic clowns with their feigned superior knowledge and understanding “above which is Written” and above all genius Christianity has had to offer and told us it has all the time been wrong. It is a NOVICE this Wednesday thing, but it claims the aged wisdom of God!

Fifteen Nisan the annual ‘high sabbath’ of passover was the first day of passover UNLEAVENED BREAD WAS EATEN; it per se never was “The first day of Passover”.



Nisan 15 begins the evening of Nisan 14



Nonsensical! I told you, the evening of Nisan 14 or of any day for that matter begins Nisan 14 or begins any day for that matter. ‘Evening’ is the first hour or so of the Biblical day. You place it at the end, and make it “begin Nisan 15” … nonsensical!

It is incomprehensible to me how “the evening hours of” any day can “beg(i)n the morning” of any day.


That is because you haven't studied our Hebraic Roots and have no interest in God's Hebrew Calendar.  God said in Genesis that the evening and the morning were one day.  The World began in darkness.  God said let there be light and there was light.  The Hebrew Day begins in the twelve hours of darkness.  The Hebrew day is the twelve hours of light.  Jesus said there were 12 hours in the day and then spoke about the light.



Nisan 14/15 which was on Wednesday/Thursday in 30 AD was the first day of Passover



Ja well, my maths has always been my Achilles heel. I haven’t thought one needs algebra to understand God’s Word.




It was the first Annual Sabbath of Passover



What was “the first Annual Sabbath of Passover”, Nisan 14, or Nisan 15, ‘Wednesday’ or ‘Thursday’?

And what has the year “30 AD” to do with the question or its answer?  Can’t I rely on the Bible only? For what would I need astrology to grasp the things of God according to the Scriptures?

TWO aids now to strut the invalid, invalid Word of God now; how many more? Sabbatharians …. Help me!



The women rested on the Annual Sabbath then bought spices before the seventh day weekly Sabbath began.



BG DIRECTLY CONTRADICTING the Scripture, “After the Sabbath …” Mark 16:1!!! What next?



No! No! No! GE. Never have I said that Thursday was the day before the preparation day for the first day of Passover  - the Annual High Sabbath.  Jesus died on Nisan 14 which is the day before the Annual Sabbath not the day before the seventh day weekly Sabbath 



… implying I said you “said that Thursday was the day before the preparation day for the first day of Passover  - the Annual High Sabbath.”?! Untrue! You know, I am realllly getting cross! I said, “You also CANNOT because the ‘annual sabbath’ you assume, was Thursday the day before “the Preparation that is the Fore-Sabbath”— ‘Friday’ …” the Fore-Sabbath of the Sabbath the only Fore-Sabbath Preparation and the only Sabbath Seventh Day the Bible and the Jews ever knew of until you Wednesdayers came telling us we never knew what we’re talking … like you BG, are doing RIGHT NOW!



Jesus died on Nisan 14 which is the day before the Annual Sabbath not the day before the seventh day weekly Sabbath.

Mark 16:9 - Apostolic Bible
And having risen G450 G1161 in the morning G4404 
(God called the morning day. The resurrection of Jesus was during the day - during the third day of Passover - Nisan 17. Jesus did not rise from His death the evening of the third day of Passover - Nisan 17. He rose from His death in the morning called the day of Nisan 17 at 3 PM. His resurrection was during the 12 hours of the morning - during the time of light which were the 12 hours Jesus referenced as the twelve hours of the day. The evening of Nisan 17 and the morning of Nisan 17 were the third day of Passover.)
on the first day G4413 of the Sabbath, G4521 
(Note: The words in italics are inserted words. There was no word for those words in the original text.)
Jesus was resurrected from His death during the day on the first of the Sabbaths between the Annual Sabbath of the first day of Passover and the annual Sabbath of Pentecost



Re: “on the first day G4413 of the Sabbath, G4521… The words in italics are inserted words. There was no word for those words in the original text.”


on the” is there, in the Dative, ‘prohtehi’;

day”, ‘hehmerai’, is there by the Dative, and the Genitive, “of the week”, ‘sabbatou’;

“on the First Day of the week” is there in the whole phrase, ‘prohtehi (hehmerai) sabbatou’ by Ellipses and Idiom— New Testament ‘Christian Greek’, Idiom!



Mark 16:9 [ Mary Magdalene Sees the Risen Lord ]

Now when He rose early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to MaryMagdalene, out of whom He had cast seven demons.




He (Jesus) the Risen, early on the first day of the week appeared, to MaryMagdalene first.”

The sentence has ONE Verb, “He appeared”. 

The Participle ‘anastas’ is Adjectival, telling how JESUS appeared: “AS THE RISEN ONE He appeared”.

The Participle ‘anastas’ is Adverbial, telling how Jesus “APPEARED”: “Risen He APPEARED”.



Matthew 28:1

New King James Version (NKJV)

Now after the (seventh day) Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.

Jesus appeared to  Mary Magdalene.  Later He appeared to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary.



The NKJV is a CORRUPTION in Matthew 28:1. It plagiarises from the heretic Justin Martyr. It says JUST THE OPPOSITE the KJV says. Or the Greek for that matter. I reject it with disgust.

There is NO such thing in Matthew 28:1 that “Jesus appeared to  Mary Magdalene” or that He “Later appeared to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary.” How do people read words that simply are not there, not written and not implied and not suggested in the least!

Am I a zombie that I cannot see these words and ideas people seem

to see written in bold?!

It does not matter what you said or did not say.

The Gospels are clear Joseph buried Jesus on a Sixth Day of the week which they called “The Preparation” and “The Fore-Sabbath”— in fact “The Preparation WHICH IS The Fore-Sabbath” … Friday; nothing than The Sixth Day of the week and the Preparation-day” since Exodus 16:5, “… the Sixth Day they shall prepare …”!

The Gospels are clear Joseph started to undertake “When already it had become evening” and “it had become The Preparation”, and he, Joseph, and later on “Nicodemus who also came there THIS NIGHT THE FIRST” John 19:39 [-- which you, BG, is arguing was the first day of passover while it only was “the first day” of unleavened bread EATEN --] “prepared” for interment “for to bury Him according to the LAW / Ethics of the Jews” John 19:40b.

“IN THE END OF THAT DAY The Preparation as the Sabbath approached” Luke 23:54, at last “they laid Jesus in a sepulchre” John 19:41.

Time of day? = time of day Matthew 28:1.

Day of week? = day before “the morning after the Preparation” Matthew 27:62.

It does not matter what you said or did not say, because Matthew 28:1 is unambiguous the Sabbath Seventh Day was the ‘Sabbath’ all four Gospels at this point in the course of events either mention or imply that Christ rose from the dead on, and therefore was “the third day Christ according to the Scriptures rose from the dead”.

It does not matter what you said or did not say because the Gospels give virtually identical descriptions of the beginning and course of the day of Jesus’ Crucifixion directly before connected to the day on which Joseph buried his body. So that the day Jesus was Crucified was the Fifth Day of the week— ‘Thursday’ the day before the Sixth Day— ‘The Preparation which is the Fore-Sabbath”, ‘Friday’, the day before the weekly “Sabbath”. 

It does not matter what you said or did not say, because the course of that whole ‘passover-week’ – ‘week of last SUFFERING’ of Christ, DAY FOR DAY STIPULATES EACH from the ‘weekly Sabbath’ until the ‘weekly Sabbath’ that He rose on.

WHY it is you will not accept it is ONLY BECAUSE you want to bring your disciples under the yoke of bondage of Jewish LAW. No free man of Christ will be beguiled by your sophistry.

I think I’m out of here. I have seen the same thousands of times before, I know I waste my time and God’s.

So, BG, before I get too insolent, my apologies, and many thanks for the opportunity you gave me to vent my own views I received from NO MAN LIVING OR DEAD, BUT FROM THE SCRIPTURES ALONE. To God alone, glory!



Jesus died on Nisan 14 which is the day before the Annual Sabbath not the day before the seventh day weekly Sabbath”.



Well, now that you have put the words in my mouth, BG,

thanks very much because THAT is just what I want to tell you, that Thursday was the day before “The Preparation Day for “the first day” John 19:39 of passover-THE-ANNUAL-‘HIGH’-‘SABBATH’-THE-FEAST-SABBATH-OF-UNLEAVENED-BREAD-EATEN, and that Jesus died on that Thursday Nisan 14 it having been “The Preparation-of-the-Passover”— quoting you, “…  which is the day before the Annual Sabbath not the day before the seventh day weekly Sabbath”. And that that means that the Sixth Day of the week was BOTH “The Preparation-which-is-the-Fore-Sabbath” Mark 15:42 ‘Friday’ AND “THAT-DAY-great-day-of-passover-ANNUAL-‘HIGH’-‘SABBATH’-THE-FEAST-SABBATH-OF-UNLEAVENED-BREAD-EATEN.







First Month




Fifth Day

Sixth Day

Seventh Day

Very First Day







First Day of



Great Day




According to the [Fourth] Commandment







Mark 15:42

John 19:39






The Day of Preparation for the Annual High Sabbath - the day when leavened is removed from the house and the lamb is killed is Nisan 13/14 - the day of Nisan 14 which is the Lord's Passover.  The Day of Preparation - Nisan 13/14, Tuesday/Wednesday in 30 AD was preparation for the Annual High Sabbath of Nisan 15 - Nisan 14/15 which was Wednesday/Thursday in 30 AD.

The third day of Passover is Nisan 16/17.  It was the seventh day Sabbath in 30 AD.  It was on Friday/Saturday.  The women bought spices on the day between the Annual High Sabbath and the seventh day Sabbath of the Passover Week. They bought spices on Nisan 15/16 which was Thursday/Friday in 30 AD.  It was before the third day of Passover Nisan 16/17 which was the seventh day Sabbath of Friday/Saturday in 30 AD.

Do you know about the Annual Sabbaths?  The first and seventh days of Passover are Annual Sabbaths - Nisan 14/15 the day of Nisan 15 and Nisan 20/21 - the day of Nisan 21.

Jesus died the day of Nisan 14 at 3 PM on Wednesday in 30 AD.  It was the day of preparation for the Annual High Sabbath of Nisan 15 - Nisan 14/15 - Wednesday/Thursday in 30 AD.  Jesus did not die on the day of  preparation for the seventh day weekly Sabbath which was on Nisan 16/17 - Friday/Saturday in 30 AD.  Jesus died on the day of preparation for the first Annual Sabbath of the Passover Week - Nisan 15 - Nisan 14/15 - Wednesday/Thursday in 30 AD.

At midnight on Nisan 14, the evening that began the day of Nisan 15, death passed over the homes in Egypt where the blood of the lamb was applied. According to the Talmud it was Wednesday night.

Wednesday according to the Talmud, the evening of Nisan 14, was when death did pass over the homes.  The next morning, the day of Nisan 15 was after the event of when death did passover.  Nisan 14/15 (the evening and the morning) is the first day of Passover and is the first Annual Sabbath of Passover.



Re: “At midnight on Nisan 14, the evening that began the day of Nisan 15” 

I just cannot grasp it … very sorry it makes no sense to me at midnight could be the evening and that on any given day, in this case, “on Nisan 14”, can begin the next day, in this case, “Nisan 15”.

That is language and logic I do not have the mental capacity to fathom. 



According to the Talmud it was Wednesday night.



I don’t care what the Talmud says. I told you the ultimate aim and motive of the Talmud. That is all I know about the Talmud.

Have you read the monstrous curses upon Christ and Christians in Jewish writings?!

But what “according to the Talmud … was Wednesday night”? The Last Supper? Then the Talmud is – against you –, correct.




The next morning, the day of Nisan 15, was Thursday according to the Talmud, and is when those in the Exodus left Egypt.



Now wait a bit! What “according to the Talmud … was Wednesday night”?



At midnight on Nisan 14, the evening that began the day of Nisan 15, death passed over the homes in Egypt where the blood of the lamb was applied.



So, the blood of the lamb was applied … the day of Nisan 15”. That is incorrect; Exodus 12 has one date for all this, “the fourteenth day of the First Month”.

But according to the Talmud and BG, the “three days” of the Scriptures have to be,

Wednesday’, ‘Nisan 14’ – ‘no, no, no, GE’ – “Nisan 15”!, and Crucifixion --- a ‘normal day’.



The next morningday of Nisan 15, was Thursday



A holy and ‘sabbath’ day, you say? I thought you said, quoting you, “At midnight on Nisan 14, the evening that began the day of Nisan 15, death passed over the homes in Egypt where the blood of the lamb was applied. According to the Talmud it was Wednesday night.” ??

And you deny the normal day before it, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Nisan 14’ Crucifixion-day, was ‘passover’?!

So that’s your first problem, as I showed you, “keep passover on the fourteenth day” proves ‘Nisan 14’ and Crucifixion MUST have

been ‘passover’.

Your next problem …

So far – according to the Talmud and BG, we have

1) ‘Wednesday’, ‘Nisan 14’ the Crucifixion --- a ‘normal day’;

2) “The next morning”— the next “… day of Nisan 15, was Thursday” --- a ‘holy’, ‘sabbath’ day ON WHICH IT WOULD BE AGAINST THE LAW TO BUY OR PREPARE SPICES.


Spices were prepared BEFORE “the Sabbath” and AFTER the crucifixion. That, the Wednesdayers WILL NOT admit. So where in all four Gospels only one “Sabbath” in this context is mentioned or implied, they invent another ‘sabbath’ PLUS ANOTHER PROFANE DAY on which the spices could both be bought and prepared by the same persons together at the same time on the one day they supposedly had for that purpose … ‘Friday’! 

But to reach that conclusion the Wednesdayers had to DENY “Since it had become The Preparation … because that day was great day sabbath” in John 19:31— "that day" BOTH “of the Preparation" AND of Nisan 15 ‘holy’, "sabbath", 



And that is nonsense. And that is legalism. Legalism AGAINST the Law! Because THE LAW of the Jews commands and demands that Jesus as the Passover Lamb of God would be buried “according to the ETHICS of to bury” which is the LAW of Torah, not the law of Talmud! The Torah legitimized and in effect commanded every act of Joseph, of Nicodemus and of every women involved in the events of the DAY THAT THE LAW COMMANDED FOR TO BURY “that which remained”, namely, the fifteenth day of the month.

The body of Jesus had to be “EATEN” and “BURNED with fire” – in the hellish darkness of “the hour and power of darkness” of Our Passover’s passover-SUFFERING of dying the death of death.

So, what VANITY the thoughts of the LAWLESS legalist

BIGOTS of a Wednesday Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Our Passover! HERE lurks the BIG issue, the SOLE reason and ONLY motive of the WHOLE Wednesday Resurrection drogma and its apologists, that a ‘sabbath day’ and therefore also a ‘profane’ day must have occurred AFTER the holy ‘ceremonial sabbath’ after the Crucifixion and BEFORE the Seventh Day Sabbath.



I'm having difficulty understanding what you believe.  Let me see if my understanding is correct.

 1. You believe that Thursday was before the day of preparation for the Annual High Sabbath.



No; I believe that 'Thursday' or better, the Fifth Day, from sunset (4/5) and "evening" Mark 14:17 until sunset (5/6) was Crucifixion day, Abib 14; and that it, in John 19:14, is called, "The Preparation Day of Passover". That means that both the removing of leaven and the sacrifice meant the killing of Christ—in the night of the Fifth day spiritually, actively obeying (leaven removed), in the daylight physically, passively obeying at the hand of wicked men: "night" and "day", "the very first day" of the Suffering of Yahweh. 

Sunset (5/6) and "evening" Mark 15:42 began "Feast of Passover of Unleavened Bread", The great SUFFERING OF YAHWEH IS OVER! "The first day ye shall eat no leavened bread"—"the first day" of "seven days ye shall eat unleavened bread" Abib 15 and SECOND day of 'passover-season': 'night' and 'day'!!! "This That Night", and "That Day".

This is where EVERYBODY looses track; those who do not know because they do not know; but those who DO KNOW because if they obeyed conscience here, there never would have been a Friday Crucifixion Sunday Resurrection HOAX. 

The rest is soetkoek. 




On the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar from 24 AD through 35 AD (a 12-year period) there is never a time when Abib/Nisan 14 is on Thursday.  It is not possible for the death of Jesus to have been on a Thursday that is Abib/Nisan 14.

Nisan 14, 35 AD - Monday

Nisan 14, 34 AD - Monday

Nisan 14, 33 AD - Friday

Nisan 14, 32 AD - Monday

Nisan 14, 31 AD - Monday

Nisan 14, 30 AD - Wednesday

Nisan 14, 29 AD - Saturday

Nisan 14, 28 AD - Monday

Nisan 14, 27 AD - Wednesday

Nisan 14, 26 AD - Friday

Nisan 14, 25 AD - Monday

Nisan 14, 24 AD - Wednesday

There is never a time on the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar when Abib/Nisan 14 is on a Tuesday or Thursday.

Also there is never a time on the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar when the third day of Passover Abib 17 - the Day of the Resurrection - can ever be on a Sunday.



You asked me some time ago, which translation I use ... implied, which calendar I use ... now I can tell you, definitely not the above. I use the very clear and perfectly UNDERSTANDABLE calendar THE GOSPELS SUPPLY THEMSELVES!



Continued from the post to which this one is a response

GE says, >So where they find only one “Sabbath” in all four Gospels mentioned or implied, they invent another ‘sabbath’ on which the spices could both be bought and prepared by the same persons together at the same time on the one day they supposedly

had for that purpose …<

There is one day that additional spices could be bought between the Annual and Seventh Day Sabbath.  There was not an invented Sabbath day.  My memory was that you agreed that God declared seven of His feast days - appointed times to be Annual Sabbaths - Exodus 12 - Leviticus 23.  The Passover week has two Annual Sabbaths and one Seventh Day Weekly Sabbath.



Spices and linen FOR TO BURY according to LAW must be made available on holy days. Burial as such was the WORK and DUTY and OBLIGATION of “BONE-day”. Even coincided BONE-day Abib 15 with the weekly Sabbath. Let the legalists jump up and down their opinion is of NO worth. It is CLEAR in the Torah, but much CLEARER in the Gospel of Jesus Christ THE PASSOVER OF YAHWEH.

The narrow-mindedness of the Wednesdayers is only narrow and gets narrower and narrower the tighter the gap they must squeeze through. The Torah demands and commands the Israelites WITH ALL THEIR MIGHT had to pull out of Egypt ON Abib 15; they were directed literally by God to PITCH TENT – symbol of the future ark – ON Abib 15, AT the “PLACE OF THE CAVE IN THE ROCK” Etam, etcetera etcetera.

IN FACT, BG, GOD forced the Israelites through EVENTS of the day, to CROSS THE RED SEA --- ON THE SEVENTH DAY SABBATH! But the Wednesdayers moan and groan when women go conveniently to the supermarket across the street to buy spices to bury their BELOVED Deceased?!

I told you, BG, your WHOLE Wednesday-argument rests on and essentially is nothing than LEGALISM --- unawares of course. BUT NO MORE for you!



GE said, “The Preparation which is the Fore-Sabbath”, ‘Friday’!

No, the Day of Preparation for the Annual High Sabbath of

Passover Week in 30 AD had nothing to do with Friday.



What the Annual High Sabbath of Passover Week in 30 AD for the people of THEN, actually WAS, is found DEFINED, right, in Mark 15:42 Matthew 27:57 and John 19:31,38,39 Luke 23:54, 56.

God Himself could not make it clearer than his own WORD!



There are years on the Roman Gregorian Calendar (like in 2012) when the Annual Sabbath and the Seventh Day Sabbath are both on Saturday. Only then is the Day of Preparation on Thursday/Friday. In years like 2012 the annniversary date of the death of Jesus is on Friday at 3 PM before 6 PM when the Annual Sabbath and the Seventh Day Aabbath begins. The anniversary date of the resurrection of Jesus was on Monday in 2012.



To reach which conclusion the Wednesdayers had to DENY “Since it had become The Preparation … because that day was great day sabbath” in John 19:31.



No, the Day of Preparation is not a Great Sabbath, an Annual Sabbath or a Seventh Day Weekly Sabbath.  There is only one Great Sabbath Day.  It is the Seventh Day Weekly Sabbath that is before the day of the death of Jesus on Nisan 14.  In 30 AD the Great Sabbath Day was Nisan 10 the day that the Passover Lamb is selected.  It is that day that Jesus presented Himself as the Passover Lamb.  The Great Sabbath is not the day that He was killed and leaven was removed from the homes.

GE said, >"that day" BOTH “of the Preparation" AND of Nisan 15 ‘holy’, "sabbath", WHY? Because: IT WOULD BE AGAINST THE LAW TO BUY OR PREPARE SPICES. That is all! And that is nonsense.<

As stated previously, the day of the death of Jesus - Nisan 14 - is when spices were prepared before the Annual Sabbath began on Nisan 15.  Nisan 14 is not a Sabbath Day.  After the Annual Sabbath ended on Nisan 15 at 6 PM when Nisan 16 began at that time, more spices were bought.  Nisan 16 in 30 AD was Thursday/Friday the day before Nisan 17 the weekly Seventh Day Sabbath in 30 AD.  Nisan 16 ended at 6 PM on Friday as the Seventh Day Sabbath of Nisan 17 began on Friday at 6 PM.  The Seventh Day weekly Sabbath is from 6 PM on Friday until 6 PM on Saturday.

On the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar from 24 AD through 35 AD (a 12-year period) there is never a time when Abib/Nisan 14 is on Thursday.  It is not possible for the death of Jesus to have been on a Thursday that is Abib/Nisan 14.

Nisan 14, 35 AD - Monday

Nisan 14, 34 AD - Monday

Nisan 14, 33 AD - Friday

Nisan 14, 32 AD - Monday

Nisan 14, 31 AD - Monday

Nisan 14, 30 AD - Wednesday

Nisan 14, 29 AD - Saturday

Nisan 14, 28 AD - Monday

Nisan 14, 27 AD - Wednesday

Nisan 14, 26 AD - Friday

Nisan 14, 25 AD - Monday

Nisan 14, 24 AD - Wednesday

There is never a time on the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar when Abib/Nisan 14 is on a Tuesday or Thursday.

Also there is never a time on the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar when the third day of Passover Abib 17 - the Day of the Resurrection - can ever be on a Sunday.



You can tell me anything you want, and I won’t be able to either consent or dissent the Judaist Rabbi’s being the boss. It may be so BG. How would I know? or you? You think God is going to judge us over that we did not believe it or believed it?

The PRINCIPLE of building your argument on the presupposition of the YEAR AD, is outright WRONG and you should discard it as an a priori for your conclusions!

But go have a look at those nautical almanacs - NOT THE TALMUD - again. You may see what I before have given you reference to, that you have not paid attention to the year 29. Because in the year 29 AD - as it looked to me maybe thirty years ago - there is a Thursday Abib 14. But I DO NOT DEPEND ON SUCH EXTRA-BIBLICAL INFORMATION. The Bible explains itself, and the New Testament explains the Old MORE and BETTER than the Old the New. 

That, is my principle, so help me God, by which I came to the conclusions I have come. 



GE says: I believe that 'Thursday' or better, the Fifth Day, from sunset (4/5) and "evening" Mark 14:17 until sunset (5/6) was Crucifixion day, Abib 14, and that it, in John 19:14, is called, "The Preparation Day of Passover" That means that both the removing of leaven and the sacrifice meant the killing of Christ-- in the night of the Fifth Day spiritually, actively obeying (leaven removed), in the daylight physically, passively obeying at the hand of wicked men: "night" and "day", "the very first day" of the Suffering of Yahweh.

GE, A Thursday crucifixion day would be from 6 PM on the fourth day of the week until 6 PM on the fifth day of the week.

You believe the verse shown below was what Pilate said on Thursday morning when Jesus was turned over for execution by crucifixion.

John 19:14 - King James Version

And it was the preparation of the passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!

We are in agreement that those words were spoken at 6 AM in the

morning on the Day of Preparation for the Passover.  The Day of Preparation is Nisan 14 when the leaven is removed from the homes and the Passover Lamb is killed. Our only difference is you believe it was on Thursday morning, the fifth day of the week at 6 AM when Pilate said those words. I believe it was on Wednesday morning the fourth day of the week at 6 AM when those words were spoken.

Are we in agreement that it was on the Day of Preparation for the Annual High Sabbath?

Those words were spoken by Pilate at the end of the trial of Jesus during the evening – night hours before that morning. Jesus was tried before Pontius Pilate during the hours of the fourth night watch called the morning even though it is the last 3 hours of the night. The trial before Pilate was from 3 AM to 6 AM.



The difference you indicated - or your indication of the difference between our views is correct.

I would though that you said 'sunset' instead of "6 PM", and 'sunset' without "on" [not "... on the fourth day of the week until 6 PM on the fifth day of the week"], but as follows, "sunset the Fourth Day of the week until sunset the Fifth Day of the week", or, "sunset after the Fourth Day of the week until sunset after the Fifth Day of the week", That would be as unambiguous as possible. 

Then you confuse me totally with saying, “Those words were spoken by Pilate at the end of the trial of Jesus during the evening – night hours before that morning.”

It seems you entertain a completely different idea than what I do of what the English word, “evening” means!

Hebrew, usually 'eber', “evening” - 'late' - in the KJV is archaic, just like “eve” where it simply means ‘late’ or ‘after noon’ and sometimes late into dusk or after dusk, BUT NEVER after midnight. 

In the NT “evening” – if I remember correctly without exception –

means “dusk”, that is “being early darkness still”, the hour or so after the sun has set – where from ‘opsia’, “evening” every time definitely refers to this hour or so after sunset. “Evening” in the KJV from ‘opsia’ is the OPPOSITE of “night hours before that morning”, like the north pole is opposite the south pole. “Evening” often from ‘(heh) opsia’, is the early night beginning of the Bible day --- ALWAYS! 

“Morning” ['boqer', Hebrew] is either the ‘early morning hours’ before sunrise’ – from e.g., ‘diaphohskoh’, ‘anateilantos tou hehliou’, ‘anaphauskoh’ – or ‘early’ morning daylight after sunrise, usually from ‘epi-aurion’ (‘east’) ‘epaurion’ like in Matthew 28:62, often incorrectly translated with ‘following day’. 



Your comments show a lack of understanding of the Hebrew Day and the Sabbath days. The day of preparation is Nisan 14. The day of the Annual Sabbath, the first day of Passover is Nisan 15. Those are two separate days. One is a Day of Preparation for the Annual Sabbath - Tuesday (hours of darkness)/Wednesday (hours of light) in 30 AD. In 30 AD darkness covered the land from noon until 3 PM because the light of the world was being taken away. The other day is the Annual Sabbath - Wednesday (hours of darkness) / Thursday (hours of light).



There is something lacking in you statement, and something extra. I shall insert and delete on your behalf, with apologies …

“The day of preparation of passover” John 19:14b  is Nisan 14. The day of the Annual Sabbath, the first day of Passover of Unleavened Bread Eaten is Nisan 15. Those are two separate days. One “the very first” is “the Day of Preparation of passover” [before and]  for the Annual Sabbath –…. (hours of darkness)/-….(hours of light) in …. AD. …. darkness covered the land from noon until 3 PM because the light of the world was being taken away. The other day [“the first day ye shall eat no leavened bread --- ye shall eat unleavened bread”] is the Annual Sabbath - …. (hours of darkness)/…. (hours of light).



It was during the evening hours of Wednesday - hours of darkness - at midnight when death passed over the homes where the blood had been applied in Egypt the year of the Exodus. It was the evening of the morning of the Annual High Sabbath, the first day of Passover - Nisan 15.



This, is true except … for ONE thing, ONE word. If you produce the Scripture for the TRUTH you here state, BG, you will SEE which thing – which word – it is that you have WRONG.

Now I can tell you which Scripture I am talking about, but I want you to please put that Scripture wherein you yourself have found the TRUTH, YOU are stating here, down here so we both can see it is the Scripture we both MUST have had in mind. Will you please give the place and the words of that Scripture, please, BG, preferably from the KJV so that we can compare apples with apples and not apples with pears?



GE said, “And that is legalism. Legalism AGAINST the Law! Because THE LAW of the Jews commands and demands that Jesus as the Passover Lamb of God would be buried “according to the ETHICS of to bury” which is the LAW of Torah! Which TRUTH legitimized every act of Joseph, of Nicodemus and of every women involved in the events of the DAY THAT THE LAW COMMANDED FOR TO BURY”

No, what took place in 30 AD was not against any Jewish law. Jesus died at 3 PM. His body was taken from the cross and buried in the tomb before the Annual Sabbath began at 6 PM. And no bones had to be broken to determine that He was dead.

GE said, ““that which remained” and body of Jesus to be

“EATEN” and “BURNED with fire” – in the hellish darkness of “the hour and power of darkness” of his passover-SUFFERING of dying the death of death.”

The Passover Lamb was to be eaten after 6 PM that evening, after the Annual High Sabbath began during the night hours of the date of Nisan 14. Any of the lamb that remained after the Passover Meal was eated was to be burned before 6 AM on the morning of Nisan 15.

GE: said, “So, what VANITY the thoughts of the LAWLESS legalist BIGOTS of a Wednesday Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Our Passover!”.

Are you stating that I am a vain LAWLESS legalist BIGOT? Those words are disrespectful and could be viewed as a personal attack. The scriptures, Hebrew Calendar and other sources confirm that what has been stated by me is accurate.


21 07 12


Passover is the day of killing the lambs, it is not a holy day but at dark after the lambs are killed is the Feast of Unleaven Bread.



Passover Abib 14 is the day of killing the lambs. In Scriptures OTHER THAN Exodus 12:1-14 it is not a holy day.

The day that after the lambs HAD been killed had started (with sunset) – Abib 15 – is the Feast at dark of Unleavened Bread.

In Scriptures other than Exodus 12:1-14 Abib 14 and 15 are different days; Abib 14 not a 'sabbath', Abib 15 "the sabbath" of passover and "first day of unleavened bread".



Witnesses who saw where Jesus was buried by Joseph of Aramathea, Mark 15:47 and Matthew 27:61 both name only two people: Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" who in Mark is "the mother of James."

Luke 23:55 describes the witnesses as "the women who had come with Jesus from Galilee". John 19:39-42 mentions no other witness to Joseph's burial of Jesus except for Joseph's assistant Nicodemus."



Re: “"the other Mary" who in Mark is "the mother of James."

The text says, "the mother of James". Whenever the mother of Jesus is MEANT she is CALLED, "the mother of JESUS" --- not "of James".

In Mark 15:40 the James referred to is distinguished, "James-the-less", which very likely implies, NOT "James the brother of Jesus" because  "James the brother of Jesus" was the LEADER of the apostles in Jerusalem. Therefore "James the less" must be another James and therefore the Mary mentioned present at the cross and at the tomb was NOT Mary the mother of Jesus.

It is clearly stated the "Mary mother of James" "came from Galilee". Mary Magdalene means she was from Magdala. Was Magdala in Galilee? I assume yes until shown differently. Mary the mother of Jesus was of Bethlehem in Judea. Therefore "Mary the mother of James the less / of James" clearly was not the mother of Jesus. 

Accept the FACT, Mary the mother of Jesus LEFT the scene of the crucifixion on the arm of John AND NEVER APPEARS IN ANY GOSPEL AGAIN! 

Don’t try invent the Mary-merry-go-round-wheel-of-the-goddess-Fortune again … gambling with improbabilities praying they were probabilities….



There is never a time on the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar when Abib/Nisan 14 is on a Tuesday or Thursday.

Also there is never a time on the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar when the third day of Passover Abib 17 - the Day of the Resurrection - can ever be on a Sunday.



Again, how can I differ with you about “Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar” which I know nothing of.

But this I do know from the Scriptures, that “day of Passover Abib 17” was not “the third day of Passover”. And I know from the Scriptures that “the Day of the Resurrection” – like you know – “can (n)ever be on a Sunday”. But this I know from the Scriptures both Old and New that “the Day of the Resurrection” absolutely certain, was “On the Sabbath Day” and second day of passover and “first day of unleavened bread”. And that by the Resurrection of Christ from the dead, “the Sanctuary was cleansed” and “atonement” was “made”, FINAL and finally AND THAT THE DAY AND DATE OF THE FINAL CLEANSING OF THE SANCTUARY WAS “THE SIXTEENTH DAY of the First Month”. 2Chronicles 29:17.



Leviticus 23:5 lists Nisan 14 as a feast day - as one of God's appointed times.  



The only place where you will find the day that the killing and the removing of leaven took place, Abib 14, described a "feast", is Exodus 12:14. 

So, it is INCORRECT "Leviticus 23:5 lists Nisan 14 as a feast day". "God's appointed times" are not always or only 'feast-days' and even less, 'sabbaths'. It so happened Abib 15 indeed is called "the sabbath" in Leviticus 23:11,15,16. THAT DOES NOT – AS MANY BELIEVE – MAKE THE 'SABBATH' OF PASSOVER THE SEVENTH DAY SABBATH!



My memory was that you agreed that God declared seven of His feast days - appointed times to be Annual Sabbaths - Exodus 12 - Leviticus 23.  The Passover week has two Annual Sabbaths and one Seventh Day Weekly Sabbath.



Sorry BG, I have not agreed. As far as I could observe, ‘seasonal sabbaths’ were of three kinds:

1) First Month ‘Abib’ / ‘Nisan’ 15, first day unleavened bread was eaten and ‘sabbath’ of the passover on whichever day of the week it occurred: ‘selfsame day-’ ‘BONE-day’ (13 times) Exodus 12-14 Leviticus 23:11,15,16 et al.

The seventh day unleavened bread was eaten was not a ‘sabbath’ unless it fell on a Seventh Day Sabbath.

2) Seventh Month ‘Ethanim’ / ‘Tisri’ 15 and 22,  the “first” and the “eighth” days on whichever days of the week occurring “ye shall dwell in booths”: ‘selfsame day-’ ‘BONE-day’ (2 times) Leviticus 16:31; 23:34,39 Acts 13.

[There are 16 or more out of the 73 incidences that <“geh’-tzem> in combination with ‘day’ occurs.]

3) days of new moon on whichever days of the week they might have been.



Those Hebrew Words mean the Great Sabbath.  As you will notice on the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar it was Nisan 10, March 30, 30 AD.  It was the day when Jesus presented Himself as the Passover Lamb.



The scriptures in John 12 pinpoint the fact that Jesus was in Bethany at the home of Lazarus, Martha and Mary on Nisan 9 the evening that began Nisan 10.  The next morning He went into Jerusalem and presented Himself as our Passover Lamb. 

John 12 has the scriptures that confirm the first "true date" associated with the events of the Passover Week.  It was Palm Sunday but Palm Saturday - on the Seventh Day Sabbath that

Jesus made His triumphal entrance in Jerusalem.

Those Hebrew Words mean the Great Sabbath.  As you will notice on the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar it was Nisan 10, March 30, 30 AD.  It was the day when Jesus presented Himself as the Passover Lamb.



Re: “Those Hebrew Words mean the Great Sabbath.  As you will notice on the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar it was Nisan 10

Be that as it may, it is not what John wrote in Greek. John in 19:31,38 mentions the event which Mark in 15:42,43, Matthew in 27:57,58 and Luke in 23:50,51 mention—the acts of Joseph of Arimathea “after these things” … “these things” namely, first of all, that “it had become The Preparation”. Then Mark tells how “The Preparation had come … “it ALREADY had become The Preparation. And Mark and Matthew tell WHEN and HOW “it had become The Preparation already … “It had become The Preparation EVENING already having come.” Then Mark confirms WHICH “Preparation, EVENING already having come, had come …” “The Preparation Day which is The Fore-Sabbath” … “the Fore-Sabbath” of the Jews at that time in history as since the days of the manna in the wilderness as until this our own day … “the Fore-Sabbath” the Sixth Day of the week.

Then John gives THREE successive indications of the inevitable CAUSAL EFFECT the ARRIVAL of this day had on the Jews,


The Preparation, the Jews— THAT THE BODIES



BEGGED (!!!) Pilate that their

LEGS might be BROKEN [“Bone-day”] so that they could be


“because that … Preparation … was great day sabbath” of the passover!

*[‘oun epei ehn’ Aorist Ingressive of ‘eimi’, ‘to be’]



KJV Matthew 12

39 But he (Jesus) answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

From Nisan 14 at 3 PM to 3 PM Nisan 17

Date                           Day Hours          Night Hours

Nisan 14                           3                          12

Nisan 15                         12                          12

Nisan 16                         12                          12

Nisan 17                           9                            0

Total                              36                           36

              72 Hours



Never mind the “72 hours”; Jesus never spoke about “72 hours”. Mind the days ... you have four, not "three days", "according to the Scriptures".

Never mind that; mind "in the earth"; Jesus never spoke about being "in the earth"; he spoke about being "in the heart of the earth". 

If you cannot see the difference, never mind; mind what Jesus said, "AS the prophet Jonas WAS".

HOW, was Jonas in the belly of the fish? Dead? No, ALIVE. 

Jesus for three days and three nights alive in the heart of the earth?

No. If you cannot see that, never mind; mind HOW and WHERE Jonas was WHILE in the belly of the fish. Under the foundations of the mountains in the sea. The sea-streams around his head, and so on (Jonas 2).

That, in the belly of the fish? 

If you cannot see that --- the FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE AND MEANING of Jesus' words, THEN STAY BY THE LITERAL MEANING of his words where He said from "KILL" and "DOWN-BREAK" until revive and resurrect is "three days" of "three days and three nights" --- NOT, from closed in the earth until out of the earth. 

WHICH are the "three days"?

"Three days thick darkness" of Abib 14, 15 and 16. 

WHICH is "the third day according to the Scriptures Christ rose" 1Corinthians 15:4?

The Sabbath Matthew 28:1.

WHICH is "THAT DAY" Luke 23:54 beginning "evening ... Joseph Mark 15:42 ... "the first night ...Nicodemus" John 19:39? 

"BONE-day" BURIAL day WHOLE day "The Preparation which is the Fore-Sabbath"

Sixth Day of the week UNTIL “by the time of the Jews’ preparations to start” John 19:42, “mid-afternoon before the Sabbath” Luke 23:54 until “they began to rest the Sabbath” from sunset on, Luke 23:56b.

WHICH is "the first day they had to remove leaven, the day they always killed the passover"?

The day, "BEFORE the Feast" John 13:1 "evening" Mark 14:17 "night" John 13:30, sunrise John 19:14 Mark 15:1 “the third … the sixth … the ninth hour”.


Away with the Jews, Judaists and ‘Judaic’ so called ‘Christians’! 



Night Hours of Nisan 13 – Tuesday Night, April 2, 30 AD

6 PM to 6 AM – Evening of Lord’s Passover of Nisan 14

Last Supper, Prayer, Betrayal, Trial and Sentencing 

Day Hours of Nisan 14 – Wednesday, April 3, 30 AD

6 AM to 6 PM – Morning of Lord’s Passover –

Death of Jesus at 3 PM

Day of Preparation for Annual High Sabbath

Night Hours of Nisan 14 – Wednesday Night, April 3, 30 AD

6 PM to 6 AM – Evening of Annual Sabbath Nisan 15

First Day of Passover Begins - Pasover Meal

Memorial Celebration (Exodus



From nowhere - wrongly and without Scripture - you state, "Tuesday Night", " ... Wednesday ... " 

You also without Scripture just ASSUME, "Nisan 13 – 30 AD".

At the exodus yes; not in 30 AD! 

"Evening of Lord’s Passover" in fact was, "Evening of Nisan 14".

It was not in the "Night Hours of Nisan 13" in Egypt. This is perfectly right except for your ADDED IN, untruths, 

>>Day Hours of Nisan  [[ 14 – Wednesday, April 3, 30 AD ]]

6 AM to 6 PM – Morning of Lord’s Passover –

Death of Jesus at 3 PM

Day of Preparation for Annual High Sabbath"<<

What I deduce is that you reckon days from sunrise to sunrise .... 

Is it so?



From Nisan 14 at 3 PM until Nisan 17 at 3 PM is three days.



"From Nisan 14 at 3 PM until Nisan 17 at 3 PM is three days" IS NOT "three days"; it is FOUR days, 14(1); 15(2); 16(3) 17(4)!

Then you make it even worse, because you ACTUALLY, start with the thirteenth day, so that you cover FIVE days instead of "three days" of the passover-plague that was upon Him. 

Yes, you cut off the Sunday resurrectionists’ last and sixth day, otherwise you would have spread the "three days" of the Scriptures over SIX days LIKE THEY DO ... Help us! 




The first day of Passover is Nisan 15 – Nisan 14/15. Jesus was in Bethany on Nisan 9 six days before Passover.



"SIX days before passover ... feast" John 12:1 AND 12 where it says John is speaking of the "Feast" in verse 1. 

"six days before passover FEAST Jesus came to Bethany WHERE LAZARUS LIVED." 

We know Jesus rose from the dead on the Sabbath.

He rose "after the (passover-)sabbath" or “Feast” day of the passover Leviticus 23:11,15,16.

Therefore Resurrection Sabbath must at most be seven days after the first of the “six days before passover-feast”.

Sabbath … 7th day after the 1st of 6 days

Sixth Day … 6th day after

Fifth Day … 5th day after

Fourth Day … 4th day after

Third Day … 3rd day after

Second Day … 2nd day after

First Day … 1st day after

Sabbath … the 6th day itself and ON which, “Jesus six days before passover feast came to Bethany WHERE LAZARUS LIVED”.

You say Jesus employed the donkey to carry him into Jerusalem on that Sabbath.

Sorry, but John states it was “the NEXT day”, ‘Sunday’ the First Day of the week.

As little as Jesus would have travelled on the Sabbath from Jericho to Bethany, as little would He have gone into the city on the Sabbath having fore-known the exertions it would cause.

Therefore, no, the meal at Lazarus was a Sabbath’s meal, and the entrance into Jerusalem was on “the next day”, ‘Palm Sunday’.

Sabbath “six days before passover Feast” Abib 15

Sunday fifth day before Abib 15

Monday fourth day before Abib 15 

Tuesday third day before Abib 15 

Wednesday second day before Abib 15

Thursday one day before Abib 15

Friday Abib 15 “passover Feast”

Sabbath Abib 16 “first Sheaf … after the sabbath” of passover, Friday, Abib 15.



Days away from








7, Fr.                                       8





6, Sa.                                       9




12:1. 12

5, Su.     Palm Sunday          10

21:1 – 17a

11:1 -- 11



4, M.                                      11

21:17b, 18

11:12 -- 19

19: 45 -- 49


3, Tu.                                     12

22: 23

11:20 – 13:3



2, W.    “over  two days”     13

26:2, 6, 14

14:1 -- 3



1, Th.     Prep. of Pass.         14

26:17-20, 36, 27:1

14:12-17, 32, 15:1 

22:7-14, 66

13:1, 30, 19:14

1, Fr.     Foresab. Prep.        15





2, Sa.                                      16

27:62,  28:1-4

(16:6, 9)

23:56b,  (24:46)


3, Su.                                       17

28:13;  28:9

16:1;  16:2;  16:9

24:1,  13,  29

20:1; 15;

4, M.












The Lord's Passover

Nisan 13 was the evening and Nisan 14 was the morning of the Lord’s Passover. The evening of Nisan 13 was 12 hours - and the morning of Nisan 14 was 12 hours. 



Yes ... ONCE at the exodus itself. 

But that, CHANGED.

The night and last half of Abib 13 FELL AWAY - DISAPPEARED as it were - into the old dispensation of Egyptian bondage and slavery, and SUN-WORSHIP AND IDOLATRY ... AND ... SUNRISE RECKONING OF THE DAY!! 

EVER AFTER the exodus, the whole Bible uses sunset reckoning of days.

BG, please, you nor anybody else has been able to date, to explain this, OTHERWISE explained, OBVIOUS DISCREPANCY. It must not be accepted a discrepancy; it must be explained in the

light of God's REDEMPTION.



You start off with a false premise to begin with - and you don't prove premise by scripture - rather you build the premise FROM scripture. The sabbath is the day of rest - God created the universe in six days and rested the seventh (Gen 1 & 2) - and this is the basis of the week (Exodus 20:11)



You CANNOT have the faintest clue what you are talking about yourself, because BG GLARINGLY OBVIOUS believes the Seventh Day Sabbath, just like I - 'GE' - do. 



Our view of that week is different by one day



I can scarcely see any resemblance …



The dates that you have given cannot be supported by the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar for any year.



I readily and eagerly admit that, and insist on it that it cannot!

I don’t understand a thing about the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar. I do not care about it. What I cannot find in and from the Bible AS IT IS about Jesus’ last passover, is of no worth to me. 

Perhaps that is the reason for the differences in our viewpoints.



Those dates can be found in the scriptures.  They are found in the Old and New Testaments.  Here is an example: Exodus 12:18
In the first month (Abib/Nisan), on the fourteenth day of the month(Abib/Nisan 14) at even (Abib/Nisan 13), ye shall eat unleavenedbread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at even.

Exodus 12:6
And ye shall keep it (the Passover Lamb selected on Abib/Nisan 10) up until the fourteenth day of the same month (Abib/Nisan 14): (and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening (between the evenings - 9 AM - 3 PM in the days of second temple).

Mark 14:12
And the first day of unleavened bread, (Abib/Nisan 14) when they killed the passover, (Abib/Nisan 14) his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover (the Lord's Passover)?



Concerning Mark 14:12. 

Have I not explained to you that "... first day of unleavened bread" is NOT what Mark 14:12 says, but that it says "ADZUMOS" = "UN-LEAVEN" which EQUALS "when they killed the passover, (Abib/Nisan 14) " Exodus 12:15A?

"first day of unleavened bread", is not "Abib/Nisan 14" - except in Exodus 12:1-14! "first day of unleavened bread", is Abib 15-- Exodus 12:15B, 16-18, Leviticus 23:6 ET AL! = "FEAST".

Then there is Deuteronomy 21:23, 

"... if a man be put to death and thou hang him on a tree, his body should not remain upon the tree all night, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day ..." AFTER "ALL NIGHT" naturally! 

But the Friday - AND Wednesday crucifixionists - claim not after, but before "all night", so that he must be buried before sunDOWN. 

So they corrupted "SUNRISE" in Josua 8:29 and 10:26,27, and wrote, “sun … down”.

"(Joshua) eventide / late [‘ereb’] hanged the King of Ai on a tree. [‘until’ is a corrupt addition.] And as soon as the sun was down [a corruption of ‘shemesh’: “as soon as the sun was up” / “as soon as it had become daylight” = therefore “not all night” Dt 21:23] Josua commanded that they should take his carcase down …” Joshua 8:29

“Joshua hanged them … and they were hanging on the trees until the evening / late (‘ereb’). And it came to pass at the time of the going down of the sun [a corruption of ‘shemesh’: “at the time of the coming up of the sun” / “by the time it became daylight” = therefore “not all night” Dt 21:23] Joshua commanded and they took them down …” Joshua 10:26,27.



On what calendar do you find Nisan 10, Nisan 14 and Nisan 17?  Jesus said the lamb would be selected on Nisan 10 and killed on Nisan 14.  What calender do you use to find those dates?




'Abib 15' implied in Exodus 12:15b and 18, and given in Leviticus 23:6 et al and implied in Leviticus 11,15,16 DESCRIBED / IDENTIFIED, "FEAST".

Therefore, when in the NT is says "FEAST", it is Abib 15.

When in the Gospels it says "the first day they removed leaven and killed the passover", it is that same day in the OT EVERY TIME dated with statement and or implication Abib 14! 

So who needs a lot of Christian enemies who might have created different than the Bible's information calendars?

Who needs ANY more information than what Matthew 28:1 gives, that Jesus rose on the Sabbath Day while we all know Jesus is the First Sheaf Offering waved before the LORD of passover? 

Who needs a calendar 'inspired' or human, when the Bible makes the BONE-day of Jesus' BURIAL so perfectly clear for having been "The Preparation which is the Fore-Sabbath", at the same time "that day was great day sabbath" of Jesus' last passover? 

Ag, and so I can go on and on and REPEAT that which you just wave in any case, and keep on insisting on calendars ad infinitum?



As stated previously:

Nisan 10 can never be on a Sunday. 



That is the biggest nonsense you have blurted yet. Prove that from the Bible … you cannot; nobody can.



Sure I can.  Scriptures in John 12 show that Jesus was selected on Nisan 10 which is when the Passover Lamb was to be selected.  Other scriptures.



It is NOT written what you -falsely now - claim is 'shown' in John 12 --- WHERE in 'John 12'? 


You write the words here  "in John 12" that "show that Jesus was selected on Nisan 10" : ON SABBATH AS YOU CLAIM! that, IS NOT WRITTEN NOR IMPLIED, and I gave you EVERY REASON why it could NOT be, but you PRETEND you did not see the reasons or you ignore them as if I talked through my neck. 

I ask you now the second time, ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN?



Nisan 10 can never be on a Sunday. Yet it is the day of the week that you have as your beginning for when Jesus presented Himself as our Passover Lamb.



Your fantasies are never-ending; are detached from reality … as evening is from morning except in your mind.

I have Abib 10 for ‘my beginning’ for “when Jesus presented Himself as our Passover Lamb”— but Abib 10 ‘Sunday’— the tenth day of the First Month; no other day ‘ever’. 

Yes, I derived from John 12:1 and 5 – as I showed above from different angles – that Abib 10 fell on Sunday. It is where for once correct, the general Christian belief.



Nisan 14 the day of the death of Jesus can never be on a Thursday.



More nonsense contradicting your old nonsense. Prove that from the Bible … you cannot; nobody can.



Nisan 14 the day of the death of Jesus can never be on a Thursday.

Yet it is the day of the week that you have as the Day of Preparation for the Annual High Sabbath of the first day of Passover on Nisan 15.



Nisan 14 the day of the death of Jesus – ‘a Thursday’ – is the day of the week that John 19:14 has as “The Preparation of the Passover” – the day of preparation for the Annual High Sabbath on Nisan 15 that was on a Sixth Day of the week called “The Preparation”. 

Re: “…  the Annual High Sabbath of the first day of Passover on Nisan 15.”

The “Annual High Sabbath” (John 19:31) was “on Nisan 15”. Correct. The “Annual High Sabbath on Nisan 15” was NOT “the first day of Passover”. The “first day” of Passover, per se, was Abib 14 “when they KILLED the passover”.

The “Annual High Sabbath on Nisan 15” was “the first day” of “seven days nothing leavened shall be eaten”, and “the first day” of “seven days UNLEAVENED BREAD shall be EATEN.”

You FAIL to distinguish between Abib 14 the “very first day ye shall remove leaven” and “kill the passover lamb”, and “the first day” of “seven days UNLEAVENED BREAD shall be EATEN”, Abib 15.



Nisan 17 the day of the resurrection of Jesus can never be on Sunday.  Yet it is the date that you have as the time of the resurrection of Jesus.



Correct, the day of the resurrection of Jesus can never be on “Nisan 17” because first sheaf is waved on Abib 16 – never on “Nisan 17”. Nevertheless Abib 16 could be any day of the week, also on the First Day of the week. ‘Never on a Sunday’ … nice try!

You IGNORE Abib 16 was “the day after … the fifteenth day … the sabbath (of the passover when) ye shall wave First Sheaf”, because your theory needs Abib 16 as a profane day to buy spices on, in between the “Annual High Sabbath on Nisan 15” and the ‘Sabbath’ Seventh Day of the week. Therefore you date the ‘Sabbath’ Seventh Day of the week, “Nisan 17 the day of the resurrection of Jesus”.

So why “Nisan 17 the day of the resurrection of Jesus can never be on Sunday”, you are unable to say … unless you could prove it from the Bible; which you cannot of course. Nobody can. What is written, is very different!

I do not “have the date” of “Nisan 17” for or “as the time of the resurrection of Jesus”. The Gospel records result on what they require: Abib 16 – sixteen – the day of Jesus’ resurrection as final “cleansing of the Sanctuary” on the Sabbath of the LORD GOD 2Chronicles 29:17 et al.






If my understanding is correct you believe when the Angel of the Lord removed the stone from the tomb and it was seen as empty is

when Jesus was resurrected.



Rubbish! Where do you get that from?! My understanding of Matthew 28:1-4 “when the Angel of the Lord removed the stone from the tomb” is correct; but my understanding has never been “when the Angel of the Lord removed the stone from the tomb …it was seen as empty”! In any case, HOW could the tomb be “seen as empty”, “when the Angel of the Lord removed the stone from the tomb … when Jesus was resurrected” right inside it?

I have a low IQ but you underestimate it.

Matthew 28:1-4 tells when the angel of the Lord when Jesus was resurrected removed the stone from the tomb and  … “SAT ON IT”— but NOT having “seen” ANYTHING inside the tomb OR that it was “empty”. The women found out the tomb was empty when they ‘Sunday’ morning after midnight “deepest-of-night-morning”- ‘orthrou batheohs’ Luke 24:1-3 for the first time “on the First Day of the week” entered the tomb, and “found not the body of the Lord Jesus”.



It is when Mary Magdalene and Mary the Mother of Jesus saw the empty tomb and shortly afterwards saw Jesus in His resurrected body



I underestimated your short-sightedness. How is it possible “when the Angel of the Lord removed the stone from the tomb and it was seen as empty … when Jesus was resurrected”, yet “It is when Mary Magdalene and Mary the Mother of Jesus saw the empty tomb and shortly afterwards saw Jesus in His resurrected body”?!



When the Angel of the Lord removed the stone … That time was as the evening hours of Nisan 17 began the morning of Nisan 18 the fourth day of Passover.  In 30 AD it was on the first day of the week as the Saturday evening was ending just before the Sunday morning was beginning.



>the evening hours of Nisan 17 began the morning of Nisan 18< … that is it! Pure, absolute, nonsense.

It is incomprehensible to me how “the evening hours of” any day can “beg(i)n the morning” of any day. I believe days throughout the Bible except at the exodus for as long as Israel was still in Egypt, are reckoned from sunset to sunset so that every new day begins with its “evening” the dusk after sunset part of night until the night has properly set in. I cannot think in terms of sunrise to sunrise days pertaining Jesus’ last passover. Sorry.



When the Angel of the Lord removed the stone … That time was as the evening hours of Nisan 17 began the morning of Nisan 18 the fourth day of Passover.”



As I said, you use terminology and logic totally strange to me, and besides, extra-Biblical and feigned ‘data’, unknown to me, un-testable and irrelevant as far as I am concerned.



The evening hours on one date begin the morning hours of the Hebrew Day.  Just as God said.  Your lack of interest in the Hebrew Calendar and our Hebraic Roots is making it difficult for you to understand what is written in the scriptures.  Dates and Time in the scriptures are based on the Hebrew Calendar and Hebrew Time that you don't want to know about.


April 0030










12th of Nisan, 3790


13th of Nisan, 3790


14th of Nisan, 3790
Ta'anit Bechorot

Erev Pesach

means evening of Day 1Passover



Day 1 of Passover begins at 6 PM


15th of Nisan, 3790


Pesach I

means Day 1 Passover



Day 1 of Passover ends at 6 PM




16th of Nisan, 3790
Pesach II
1st day of the Omer


17th of Nisan, 3790
Pesach III (CH''M)
2nd day of the Omer


The evening of the date of Nisan 14 are the twelve hours of the night that begin the morning - the twelve hours of the day.  As the scriptures state about the Annual Sabbath of the Day of Atonement, a Sabbath Day is to be kept from Evening to Evening.  A Hebrew Day begins at sunset the evening of the date before the day.  It ends the evening of the next morning - the day - in the evening at sunset.  When one day ends the evening of the next day begins.



Alright thank YOU. Now we know where we stand with one another.

You REJECT the Reformation principle of Sola Scriptura; you PREFER this anti-Christ JEWISH RUBBISH I DESPISE.

That settles everything. That explains your every vain ‘argument’ and reason why you DO NOT AS MUCH AS READ the standpoint of your opponent. That shows not only the respect you

have for the Scriptures, but for non-Wednesday Christians.

I shall close with telling you how much DAMAGE you do to and SCANDAL you bring upon the TRUTH of the Gospel Seventh Day Sabbath of the LORD, and how much shame you heap upon the Lord of the Sabbath with these Judaist DUST of yours.

Who needs ANY more information than what Matthew 28:1 gives, that Jesus rose on the Sabbath Day



Matthew 28:1 does not state that Jesus rose on the Sabbath Day.

Matthew 28:1 King James Version (KJV)

In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.

This scripture only states that Mary Madalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week.  As it began to dawn toward the first day of the week as nothing to do with the Seventh Day Sabbath.  When it begins to dawn is end the end of the twelve hours of Saturday evening that begin the twelve hours of  Sunday morning.  The hours of Saturday evening from 6 PM - 6 AM are the 12 hours that begin the first day of the week.  The morning of the first day of the week, called Sunday begin at dawn - 6 AM.  It is also the time of the end of the third night watch of the tomb.

You can only understand that truth when you come to understand the Hebrew Calendar and Hebrew Time.  The night watches are divided into four parts.  The fourth watch that would have ended the third night is from 3 AM until dawn at 6 PM. 

When Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb the guards were still there.  That Saturday part of the first day of the week had not yet ended and neither had the third night watch



Discussion ENDED 23 07 12 by Gerhard Ebersöhn. I refuse to accept authority of “the Hebrew Calendar and Hebrew Time

above or conditional for understanding “scripture”.



… discussion resumed …



You seem to have a root of bitterness coming from some source.  Your beliefs about my faith aren't fact based.  I was born again as a child of God, a Christian, before ever knowing anything about our Hebraic Roots.

 Those who belong to God know Him and are known by Him.  There is no doubt in my mind about my salvation.  My relationship with God is strong.  The spirit of God that lives within me bears witness of my salvation.

God said that we would know one another by our love. Here is another important scripture:

1 John 4:8
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
1 John 4:7-9 (in Context) 1 John 4 (Whole Chapter)



Good! For what good then your post on salvation interest in your 'Hebraic roots'?! Have you no roots in Christ? Are you not "rooted and built up in HIM" Jesus Christ? Is He alone, not good enough for you?  

And by the way, the 'Hebraic roots' you are relying on for your salvation, don't go that deep. Christ Himself goes at least four centuries deeper! "That Christ (alone, sovereign and almighty) might dwell in your hearts by FAITH (alone); that ye – being rooted and grounded in LOVE (God's Love which is Christ all sufficient) – may be able to comprehend with all (other) saints (Christians who have never heard of your 'Hebraic roots')  ... and know the love of Christ which PASSES knowledge (such as knowledge about your EXTRA-BIBLICAL 'Hebraic roots')." 

I find ‘my calendar’ of God IN the Bible and FROM the Bible only; not from fourth to sixth century Christ- and Christian-hating




Does God's Calendar that you see in the scriptures have as the first month Abib/Nisan? 

Can you tell from what you see in the Bible the day of the week for Abib/Nisan 14 in 30 AD?

What hours of the day do you see in these scriptures?

Mark 15

25 And it was the third hour, and they crucified him.

33 And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.

34 And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

37 And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost.


Easy!  I have showed you, dear BG! And I shall show you again God willing.

But before I do - as I also told you before - I cannot show you the year 30 AD straight from Scripture. I did refer you to how I myself arrived at that year - i.e., the year 29-30 AD - in my books of thirty years(?) ago. 

However ...

Re: “Does God's Calendar that you see in the scriptures have as the first month Abib/Nisan?

Yes, Leviticus 23 et al like Josua 5. “This must be the First Month for you” (Israel)

“The feasts of the LORD TO THEIR SEASONS” – “seasons” of the year, which “… YOU must determine” from the YEAR-cycle and SEASON of the year … as per the law of NATURE as seen in Genesis 1 … and from SEEING the barley ready to be HARVESTED … which is from the full moon first after spring equinox. A NATURAL AND HUMAN “observation” of God’s


Now the passover Lamb of God was slaughtered on the day before

the full moon, the day in between from sunset after the thirteenth day of the First Month until sunset after the fourteenth day of the First Month; in other words, on “the fourteenth day of Abib / Nisan / First Month”.

After sunset in “THIS THAT NIGHT to be solemnly observed” the passover lamb was EATEN. “THIS THAT NIGHT to be solemnly observed” was at first dated “the fourteenth day” in Exodus 12:1-14. But immediately after in verses 15 and 18, its CHANGE to “the fifteenth day” is already noticeable. And in all subsequent Scriptures “THIS THAT NIGHT to be solemnly observed” has been dated the “fifteenth day of the First Month”.



The night to be observed was never changed.  It is the evening of Nisan 14 that begins the morning - the day of Nisan 15.  The night to be observed is the evening of Nisan 14 that followed the day of the death of Jesus at 3 PM - the day of Nisan 14 that began the evening of Nisan 13. 

It was the evening - night - of Nisan 14 when death did first pass over the homes where the blood of the lamb was applied to the door posts.  Abib/Nisan 14/15 is the first day of Passover - a date God declared to be a Sabbath.  It is an Annual High (great) Sabbath Day.



Yes, it was the evening - night - of Nisan 14 when death did first pass over the homes where the blood of the lamb was applied to the door posts, Exodus 12:1-14.  Abib/Nisan 14/15 was indeed the first day of Passover IN EXODUS 12:1-14— ONE date in Exodus 12:1-14 for TWO days which God declared to be a sabbath, an Annual High (great) Sabbath Day FEAST in Exodus 12:1-14, the very date God LATER DIVIDED into TWO DATES for two successive days-of-passover.

Therefore, The “night to be observed” of the fourteenth day of the

First Month was in fact in ALL subsequent Scriptures, changed

into the “night to be observed” of “the FIFTEENTH day of the First Month” even into the New Testament.

And therefore it remains nonsensical nonsense “the evening of Nisan 14 begins the morning – the day – of Nisan 15”.  The night to be observed became the evening of Nisan 15 that followed the day of the death of Jesus, Nisan 14 that had begun with its evening after, Nisan 13.

Through the millennia the passover lamb was EATEN on the fifteenth day of the First Month after sunset– before midnight –in “THIS THAT NIGHT to be solemnly observed”…until the Christ Himself through SUFFERING once for all would become the ‘PASCHA of Yahweh’ “on the fourteenth day of the First Month” AGAIN.

So we have from the Scriptures directly and only, that Christ was crucified and died on Abib 14. But the Jews would STILL regard “THIS THAT NIGHT to be solemnly observed”, the night and beginning-halve of the fifteenth day of the month!

That was why Christ’s disciples ate the Lord’s Supper in the night of the fourteenth day but the Jews the following night— the night of the fifteenth day —ate their ‘Passover-Feast’.

The Gospels do not mention the Jews’ passover feast meal. But if the Jews the morning before they crucified Christ would not go into Pilate’s palace “so that they might eat their passover” it is obvious they would have reckoned to eat it in the night after. The night after the day for the killing of the passover on the fourteenth day— that would be the night of the fifteenth and the passover’s ‘Feast’ or ‘Eat-Day’.

“THIS THAT NIGHT to be solemnly observed” after Jesus had been crucified and had died therefore was the night of the fifteenth day of the First Month according to the Law of the Torah and whole Old Testament Exodus 12:1-14 the only exception.

Day two in the Passover of Yahweh therefore starts … HERE, where “Out of nowhere [‘kai idou’] turned up there a man called Joseph. He was of Arimathea …” and this man Joseph BEGAN TO UNDERTAKE “TO BURY JESUS TO THE ETHICAL


What was this ‘ETHICS OF THE JEWS’? IT WAS THE PASSOVER LAWS WHICH GOD HAD GIVEN ISRAEL AT THE EXODUS! THE LAWS PERTAINING “THIS THAT NIGHT to be solemnly observed”! THE LAWS PERTAINING THE PASSOVER OF YAHWEH and what should be done with it, namely, that it should be ASSIMILATED WITH CORRUPTION DEATH AND DESTITUTION. Therefore in the first place it had to be EATEN and be metabolized and be buried so to speak into mortal sinners’ flesh, and “that which remained” had to be “BURNED WITH FIRE” in order to return it into the dust of the earth. “THIS EXACT SELFSAME BONE DAY” --- BURIAL-DAY.

This is why a Friday Crucifixion was IMPOSSIBLE! Because Burial-day of the Passover of Yahweh was ALL DAY BONE-DAY, “GREAT DAY SABBATH” OF THE PASSOVER SUNSET TO SUNSET. And in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection, “THAT DAY”— “THIS SELFSAME BONE-DAY”— “the FIFTEENTH day of the First Month” —is precisely and unmistakably and indisputably IDENTIFIED “that day … on the sabbath … was great day sabbath … SINCE IT WAS THE PREPARATION … WHICH IS THE FORE-SABBATH”, having been ‘Friday’, until “THAT DAY mid-afternoon the Sabbath drew near”!

So we have two of the three ‘first days’ of the passover EXPLAINED IN SCRIPTURE, BY SCRIPTURE,

1) passover the fourteenth day of the First Month “the first day they had to remove leaven and had to kill the passover”; and

2) passover the fifteenth day of the First Month “the first day you must eat nothing leavened”, but “must eat unleavened bread … seven days”.

So now, “the third day according to the Scriptures” the passover Scriptures “Christ rose from the dead on” … the SIXTEENTH day

of the First Month they finished cleansing the sanctuary” …

“… Sabbath’s time, late in the Sabbath Day, Sabbath’s mid-

afternoon as it began to dawn towards the First Day of the week there was a great earthquake and an angel of the Lord descending from heaven his appearance like lightning white as snow cast away the stone from the sepulchre …” AND CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD : “FIRST SHEAF OFFERING WAVED BEFORE THE LORD”! “Waved before the LORD … on the day after the sabbath” – the ‘annual sabbath’, OF THE PASSOVER “according to its SEASON” the passover-season and the three ‘first days’ of its ‘feast’, the “three days thick darkness” of Egypt’s last two plagues … “the plague that was upon HIM”.

The anchor day of the “three days”, “on the third day” of which Christ rose from the dead, is the “BONE-” or “COMBINING-day”— the “in-between-sabbath”, “THAT SELFSAME BONE-DAY” of the passover on which “none of its bones shall be severed or broken”. Literally fulfilled on “The Preparation which is the Fore-Sabbath” after which “Fore-Sabbath” the women “started to rest the Sabbath according to the (Fourth) Commandment” and “after” which “Sabbath according to the (Fourth) Commandment” “had gone through, Mary Magdalene and Mary of James and Salome bought spices.”

Christ had to rise from the dead “In the Sabbath’s fullness” because “God the Seventh day from all his works, RESTED.”

And “Because Jesus had given them REST (God’s ‘Rest’ – that is, had given “the People of God” HIMSELF as God’s Rest for their Rest, by having raised from the dead, “In the Sabbath”) God shall not after these things (He had done through Jesus Christ by having raised Him from the dead “On the Sabbath”) speak of another day (of salvation)— so there THEREFORE for the People of God REMAINS valid their keeping the Sabbath Day BECAUSE OF HIM having entered into His Own Rest as God-in-his-own”— THROUGH RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD.

And there is more! But these “three days” are the crux.





The evening and the morning are one day.  The evening of Nisan 14 and the morning of Nisan 15 are the day of Nisan 15.

Genesis 1:5 - King James Version (KJV)

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

The day of Abib/Nisan 15 begins the evening - night - of Nisan 14.  It was at midnight the evening of Nisan 14, Wednesday night in 30 AD and Wednesday night at the time of the Exodus, when death did pass over where the blood of the lamb was applied.  Leaven was removed from the homes (on the first day of unleavened bread - Abib/Nisan 14) and the lamb was killed in preparation for the Sabbath, a day God declared to be an annual (high-great) Sabbath that was the first day of Passover (Abib/Nisan 15). 

The lamb was killed on the Day of Preparation for the annual Sabbath,the day of Abib/ Nisan 14.  The evening of the day of Abib/Nisan 14 isAbib/Nisan 13.  The morning of the day of Abib/Nisan 14 isAbib/Nisan 14. 

The first day of Passover, the annual (high-great) Sabbath is the day of Abib/Nisan 15.  The evening of the day of Nisan 15 is Abib/Nisan 14.  The morning of the day of Abib/Nisan 15 is Abib/Nisan 15. 

Those in the Exodus left Ramses, Egypt the morning after the evening of the passover of death.  The left Ramses, Egypt the day of Nisan 15. (Numbers 33:3)



For heaven’s sake, don’t speak the one moment of the creation and the next of “30 AD”!

Then it’s a pity you understand the old and archaic English of the KJV for modern day literal. 

The Hebrew uses the very common word 'boqer' - 'early' for either the PAST night-halve of a 'day', 'jom', or, for the PROSPECTIVE daylight-halve of a 'day', 'jom'. No matter which, 'boqer' ALWAYS

means 'EARLY'. 

Just so, means 'ereb', 'late' ... EITHER 'late' in relation to the PROSPECTIVE night-halve of a 'day', 'jom', OR, 'late' in relation to the PAST daylight-halve of a 'day', 'jom'. No matter which, 'eber' ALWAYS means, 'LATE'. 

So one can read Genesis 1 like a child and understand "it was late - 'ereb' and it was early - 'boqer' the first day - 'jom'."

Yes the first day of God's creating was first darkness / night after which God created daylight, and all following days must necessarily consist of two halves, the night-halve first and the daylight-halve to close the day with. 

No issue!

Therefore the way you express things it is just impossible to understand. So, instead of saying, "The evening and the morning are one day.  The evening of Nisan 14 and the morning of Nisan 15 are the day of Nisan 15", 


The late- / night- / dark-halve and the early- / morning- / daylight-halve are one day.  The NIGHT – ‘late’ (‘ereb’) –  of Nisan 14 and the DAYLIGHT – ‘early’ (‘boqer’) – of Nisan 14 are the day of Nisan 14. 

This has from the beginning of our conversation been one point where we never could understand one another. 

We so rejoiced when we agreed; then all joy suddenly with screaming tyres stopped ... and I think this was one of the reasons why. 


The Passover Lamb was killed on Abib/Nisan 14, the Day of Preparation for the first day of Passover.  The first day of Passover, Abib/Nisan 15 (Nisan 14/15) is the Sabbath (the annual Sabbath) that begins Passover at the time of the full moon.



Here is another major indistinct even ambiguous matter of

misunderstanding between us. 

You speak of "Abib/Nisan 14, the Day of Preparation for the first day of Passover  ... (the day) the Passover Lamb was killed on", as if it was not 'passover' or 'the passover'!

Then you speak of "Abib/Nisan 15 ....the Sabbath (the annual Sabbath) ...at the time of the full moon ..." as "The first day of Passover". In other words, you exclusively identify the Feast of unleavened bread with 'the Passover'. 

But the reality was that Abib 14 WAS 'passover' and every time is expressly said to be "passover" and to "keep passover". Check it up in your concordance if you don't believe me. 

The fact John 19:14 calls Abib 14 "The Preparation of the Passover" does not mean it was not the passover! Exodus 12:15 declares Abib 14 "the FIRST first day you must remove leaven" on.



Exodus 12:15 declares Abib 15 "the first day no leavened bread shall be eaten ... until the seventh day"



The fact Abib 15 was the first day of unleavened bread feast does not mean it was not 'passover' or 'the passover'. Of course Abib 15 was 'passover' --- was ALSO 'passover', namely the passover of unleavened bread Eaten. 

You must DISTINGUISH every one of the three 'first' days of the passover a, for having been 'passover' and 'the passover'; and b, for having been the first of the specific days of the passover  it was the first day of.

1) the "VERY / HEAD first day" of the eight days of passover, "when they removed leaven and killed the passover";

2) the first day until the seventh day", "unleavened bread (was) eaten" ... the "sabbath"; 

3) "the day after the sabbath you must count from ..." to Pentecost / Shavuoth. 

Strictly speaking the fifty days to Pentecost and Pentecost itself,

were 'passover' and 'the passover'. 



Take a look at the calendar on the next post.  It shows you how the first day of Passover - Pesach 1 - that is on Nisan 15 begins the evening of Nisan 14. 

Erev Pesach, shown on Nisan 14, means the evening of Pesach - the evening of Pesach 1.  Pesach 1 as shown on Nisan 15 means Day 1 of Passover.



Yes, [without having looked], I understand what you mean. The only problem is your naming of  'the evening' and speaking of 'the evening' as 'the evening of the fourteenth' while the real 'evening' or 'late' or 'night' BELONGED TO AND WAS the fifteenth day's --- not the fourteenth day's. 

(You sound to me and I would say to anyone else as if you are speaking in terms of the Roman reckoning of days.)  



Abib/Nisan 14 is the day of the Lord's Passover.  It is when He made the sacrifice so death could passover.  It is the Day of Preparation for the first day of Passover, the Annual Sabbath of Abib/Nisan 15.

Death did not pass over on the Day of Preparation.  The day of Preparation was the first day of unleavened bread when leaven was removed from the house and the lamb was killed to provide for the Passover Meal the evening of the morning of the day of Nisan 15.  It was the evening (Nisan 14 after sunset) that begins the morning of Nisan 15 when death did first pass over. 

The Day of Preparation - the day of Nisan 14 - is not a day of passover - a day when death did passover.  Death did not pass over until after sunset, after Jesus died and was placed in the tomb before sunset the evening that begins the first day of Passover,

Nisan 15.

Mark 14:12
And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, (Nisan 14 - Nisan 13/14) his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover?

Mark 14:11-13

Nisan 14 - Nisan 13/14 - is the Lord's Passover.   It is when the Lord ate His Passover Meal with His disciples the evening of Nisan 13.  It was also that evening when He was tried and illegally found guilty and sentenced to death by crucifixion. 

It was the morning of Nisan 14 at 6 AM when He was turned over for crucifixion.  He was nailed to the cross at 9 AM to provide the blood and death sacrifice that would allow for death to passover. At noon darkness covered the earth until His death at 3 PM during the day hours of Nisan 14.  He was placed in the tomb before sunset that began the evening of Nisan 14 that began the day of Nisan 15.

The Essene sect of the Jewish people ate their Passover Meal that same night - Nisan 13 that begins the day of Nisan 14.  The Pharisees and the Sadducees ate the Passover Meal the night of Nisan 14 that begins the day of Nisan 15.



No; how can anyone converse with you?! You simply carry on REPEATING your previous 'arguments', like double-dating single days consisting of a night first half and a daylight day last half.

Unless you begin to see one day whether a day of the week or a day of the month has and is one DATE of the month, it's useless I or anyone who is an ordinary down to earth Christian may try reason with you, BG! 

Unless you see that if the fourteenth is the first day of the passover, the fifteenth day is the SECOND day of the passover we may just as well stop exchanging post. 

Unless you see the day of “The Preparation-of-Passover” John 19:14 – “the day of Nisan 14” – IS, “THE, passover” and a day of,

the passover – a day when death DID incur in the Suffering of DEATH of Christ – and did NOT “passover”, it is futile we even attempt to speak to one another.

But I now have noticed a misconception of yours due to which you maintain the fifteenth is the first day of the passover, and it is your literal English understanding of the word 'pass-over'.

Now the word 'passover' comes from the Hebrew word for ""SUFFERING", the opposite of 'having passed' suffering! 'Pascha' reaches essential and ultimate meaning IN THE ACT OF BEING SLAUGHTERED 'passover-lamb'. 

THIS is the absolutely DOMINANT underlying meaning in EVERY INSTANCE where it is written, "KEEP PASSOVER". 

Therefore, where in the Gospels the date-reference to the fourteenth day is implied, it is written, "On the first day of 'adzumos' = when had to always KILL the passover" --- which is "the very fist day you shall REMOVE LEAVEN" of Exodus 12:15A!  To 'remove leaven' has the same meaning as 'to kill', 'to remove LIFE' = "TO SUFFER LOSS OF LIFE" = "TO DIE DEATH"— not to ESCAPE death; not death to be 'passed over' like the Israelites after they had the blood applied on their door posts!  

The reason that the fifteenth day of the month is called the FEAST tells you that this is "the first day you must EAT = FEAST VICTORY = CELEBRATE unleavened bread" because on this day “the LORD HAD OVERCOME” and "carried you OUT” of Egypt's PLAGUE OF DEATH AND DARKNESS in which day of daylight even, the LORD lead Israel OUT by the LIGHT of the CLOUD ... not by its shadow as after they had passed through the DARK HELL of the RED SEA and had to traverse the desert under the scorching sun of apocalyptic plague.

"THREE DAYS THICK DARKNESS” OF “HELL" are the three 'first days' of the Passover of Yahweh! 

The double-dating on the 'Hebraic almanacs' is nothing else than the 'Hebraic' inability and unwillingness to ACCEPT THE DIFFERENCE in dating in Exodus 12 its first 14 verses and all the rest of the Scriptures where TWO DAYS of two daylights and two nights are AT FIRST, dated the ONE "fourteenth day of the First Month" --- as I pointed out before. After Israel were “OUT” and “IN” the free land, THESE TWO days are respectively dated the fourteenth day whereon the lamb was "killed" and "passover was kept" by the KILLING, and the fifteenth day whereon "the flesh was eaten WITH unleavened bread" to "FEAST" a "FINISHED", "ATONEMENT MADE". 

The Jews did not ACCEPT CHRIST IS THE ONLY EXPLANATION FOR THIS PECULIARITY OF THE PASSOVER OF YAHWEH. That is why they date the one day with two dates and hope to thus cover up its only historical explanation through FULFILMENT IN AND BY JESUS CHRIST. ... as I explained before. 

About the translation as found in the KJV of "Mark 14:12

And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, (Nisan 14 - Nisan 13/14) his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover?" and parallel texts in Matthew 26:17 Luke 22:7 (John 13:1 1Corinthians 11:23) ...

Mark the cursive in Matthew 26:17, "... feast of ..." BUT NOT IN Mark?! No, in Mark as well, there is no word OR IDEA about  a 'feast'! 'Feast', is a BIG mistake! 

A big mistake also, is the word 'bread'. There is, no word OR IDEA of 'bread' before Mark 14:17f Matthew 26:20f Luke 22:14f. 

 It is incomprehensible the translators could CONFUSE for the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the word 'adzumos', "leaven REMOVED"— according to Exodus 12:15a.

['adzumos' like in agnostic, 'without knowledge']

In Exodus 12:15 TWO “first” days are CLEARLY DIFFERENTIATED: 1) “the HEAD first day ye shall REMOVE leaven”, and 2) “the first day no leavened bread shall be eaten” but “this day unleavened bread ye shall observe”.

Leaven was “REMOVED” on the day BEFORE “unleavened

bread was OBSERVED” by “feast or “eating”. 

Leaven was removed on the SAME day the lamb or ‘passover’ was “killed”, SO THAT, “they shall eat the FLESH IN THAT NIGHT (after daylight and sunset, cf. Luke 22:14, “when the hour came”) WITH / AND unleavened bread” – Exodus 12:8 – in all generations after … UNTIL THE CHRIST AGAIN “ate the passover I with DESIRE DESIRED TO EAT” WITH ‘PASSION’ OF ‘PASCHAL’ “SUFFERING” the “SUFFERING” of having DIED THE DEATH OF DEATH. (“The death of death in the death of Christ” John Owen. O precious thought; o wondrous TRUTH!)

The Gospels themselves unmistakably IDENTIFY "the first day of UN-leaven-ing WHEN [= on which very day WHEN] they KILLED the passover."

But most people disregard it ...



It was the morning of Nisan 14 at 6 AM when He was turned over for crucifixion.  He was nailed to the cross at 9 AM to provide the blood and death sacrifice that would allow for death to passover. At noon darkness covered the earth until His death at 3 PM during the day hours of Nisan 14.  He was placed in the tomb before sunset that began the evening of Nisan 14 that began the day of Nisan 15.

The Essene sect of the Jewish people ate their Passover Meal that same night - Nisan 13 that begins the day of Nisan 14.  The Pharisees and the Sadducees ate the Passover Meal the night of Nisan 14 that begins the day of Nisan 15.



This 'Essene sect' story - come on now - EVERYBODY full well knows is no more than SPECULATION. And what everybody knows just as good, is that it is completely IRRELEVANT to the Gospels' account of Jesus' last passover. But to sound learned, some scholars CREATE  a supposed 'contradiction between John and the Synoptici' to solve, for which they then use the

'Essenian analogy'. ... and earn a doctorate or two ... 

From the Gospels (e.g., John 18:28) there is no doubt left ALL "the Jewish people" ate their Passover Meal "that same night" --- BEAUTIFUL --- "BONE-day's NIGHT"! "This that same night" Exodus 12:17,42!

In Exodus 12:1-14 that was indeed after sunset in the night of the 'old' 'Egyptian' sun-year idolatrous day-reckoning from sunrise to sunrise, the THIRTEENTH day. In your words, " - Nisan 13 that begins the day of Nisan 14." 

But the Pharisees and the Sadducees in Jesus' day, ate the Passover Meal IN the night of Nisan 15 - FIFTEEN - that HAD begun sunset after Nisan 14 "when it  ALREADY HAD BECOME EVENING", and "that on the sabbath ... BECAUSE THAT DAY WAS  GREAT DAY SABBATH" OF THE PASSOVER, "the bodies should not remain on the crosses, the Jews ..." like one man united "... begged Pilate ..."

"THIS THAT SELFSAME DAY - BONE-DAY" all this happened, and much more, FROM: Mark 15:42 Matthew 27:57 John 19:31,38 Luke 23:50 UNTIL John 19:42 Luke 23:54-56a. 



GE, you said, “The late- / night- / dark-halve and the early- / morning- / daylight-halve are one day. The NIGHT – ‘late’ (‘ereb’) – of Nisan 14 and the DAYLIGHT – ‘early’ (‘boqer’) – of Nisan 14 are the day of Nisan 14.”

That above statement is not true.  Using your words these statements would be true:

The late- / night- / dark-halve and the early- / morning- / daylight-halve are one day. The NIGHT – ‘late’ (‘ereb’) – of Nisan 13 and the DAYLIGHT – ‘early’ (‘boqer’) – of Nisan 14 are the day of Nisan 14.

The late- / night- / dark-halve and the early- / morning- / daylight-halve are one day. The NIGHT – ‘late’ (‘ereb’) – of Nisan 14 and the DAYLIGHT – ‘early’ (‘boqer’) – of Nisan 15are the day of Nisan 15. 

God's day begins at sunset in the evening on one date and ends at sunset on the next date when the evening of the next day begins.  The evening of the day begins at sunset the evening before the morning of the day. 

The day of Nisan 14 is Nisan 13/14.  The day of Nisan 15 is Nisan 14/15.

Jesus said there are 12 hours in the day - 12 hours of light in the morning.  Those 12 hours of light begin the evening before with 12 hours of darkness.  The evening of 12 night hours begins the morning 12 day hours.



‘Sunset’ is ZERO-TIME BETWEEN one day / date had ENDED and one day / date had BEGUN; 

‘sunset’ is ZERO-TIME and NO DAY moment AFTER the past day's daylight-halve, and moment BEFORE the next day and its night-halve night; 

‘sunset’  is NEITHER 'Nisan 14' NOR ‘Nisan 15’, or, for that matter, NEITHER ‘Nisan 13’ NOR ‘Nisan 14’.

‘sunset’ ALWAYS is AFTER AND BEFORE; it is NEVER 'on' or 'in'.

And therefore, it is impossible to conceive – to quote you –, “The day of Nisan 14 is Nisan 13/14.  The day of Nisan 15 is Nisan 14/15.”

Because “God's day” DOES NOT “begin at sunset in the evening”, BUT “God's day begins” SUNSET BEFORE “the evening”; “God's day begins” NOT “sunset on one date” but SUNSET AFTER “one date”; and it “ends”, NOT “at sunset on the next date when the evening of the next day begins”, but sunset when “the next date” or day WITH its ‘evening’ after sunset, begins or had begun.

We must FIRST OF ALL agree on terminology before we can ever hope to agree on doctrine. 




KJV Exodus 12:15

Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread;

(Nisan 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)

even the first day (Nisan 14)

ye shall put away leaven out of your houses:

Leaven is removed from the house on the Day of Preparation – Nisan 14 – Nisan 13/14 - for the Annual High Sabbath – the first day of Passover – Nisan 15 – Nisan 14/15. The Passover Lamb is also killed on the Lord's Passover - the Day of Preparation for the Annual High Sabbath – the First Day of Passover – Nisan 15 – Nisan 14/15.

KJV Exodus 12:18
In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month (Nisan 14) at even (after sunset on Nisan 13),

ye shall eat unleavened bread,

until the one and twentieth day of the month (until the day of Abib/Nisan 21) at even (after sunset on Abib/Nisan 20).

Unleavened Bread is to be eaten from Nisan 14 untilNisan 21 – the 7th day of Passover which is also an Annual Sabbath. Nisan 21 begins at 6 PM on Nisan 20. It is not one of the seven days of Unleavened Bread.


>> Nisan 21 begins at 6 PM on Nisan 20. It is not one of the seven days of Unleavened Bread.<< Your best till now in hopelessness.

Beautiful - I mean, exemplary of your standpoint - just look, the most important word you neatly left without highlight ...

O God, give me patience and let me persevere! 

Your whole thinking is predisposed and based on a few misconceptions you WON’T GIVE UP but shall cherish as if your salvation depends on it! 


That is why - may God give me grace to - I will not give up with


I am sure that, did you have a little better knowledge of the meaning of certain terms used in our conversation, you would have thought very differently.  No, I don't think anyone must know Hebrew, but a serious student MUST consult sources that do know the language. Take this word which you missed and or ignored (and heaven only will know if you did it deliberately) ... but you CANNOT ever get away with. 

"EVEN the first day ..." = "The HEAD / MOST important first day ye shall put away leaven ..." IN DIRECT AND IMMEDIATE DISTINCTION with and to, "... the first day whosoever EATETH leavened bread".

But no! BG you insist it is the SAME day! 


Besides the reason given here in Exodus 12:15A and 15B, the FACT verse 6 commands TWO things to be done on the "fourteenth day", namely, "KILL the passover" and, there and then - immediately, first thing - "shall take of the blood" - AS it spouted out of the victim - and strike it on the two sideposts and lintel of the door ..." WHEN???  'BEHN HA ARBAYIM' "MID-afternoon"!!! That is, AS "they crucified Him" and He 3 p.m. "the ninth hour" "on the fourteenth day of the month" DIED. 



NOW ...

"Then shall they EAT the FLESH, AND unleavened bread ..."



"IN THAT NIGHT" is the first halve of day TWO of the passover, “AND THEY ATE UNLEAVENED BREAD”! 

Here in Exodus 12:8 they ATE and in verse 14 they FEASTED "on the fourteenth” and “first” day of passover— but in all the Scriptures ONLY here, because in ALL subsequent Scripture whether near or far, it is COMMANDED "on the fifteenth day of the month. 

So, WHEN, was leaven REMOVED SO THAT in the night after,

UN-leavened bread could be baked and eaten "WITH the flesh"?

On day BEFORE! On "The Preparation of the Passover"! "On the fourteenth day of the month"! 


EXACTLY like in the four Gospels, SPELLED OUT! 

"On the day of UN-leavening 'a-dzumos' WHEN they KILLED the passover"!!!

Leaven, quite simply, was NOT removed as you claim on the fifteenth day. 

Now you love it to refer to the Hebraic roots of things ... you should refer to the genuine Biblical 'ethics of the Jews' to 'BEDIKAT CHAMETS' i.e., the ceremonial REMOVAL of LEAVEN during the night after the thirteenth day of the month - on the first halve-of-day "in the night" of the fourteenth day --- CHANGED from Egyptian sunrise morning the 14th to Divine sunset reckoning in the morning the 15th on which morning all discovered leaven was made bonfire of with great ceremony and FEASTING ... reminiscent of Exodus 12:14 that calls the FOURTEENTH day a FEAST! 

I said Bedikat Chamets was 'Biblical'. Yes, it was, as you can see ... It was so 'Torah-institutional' that The Law commanded that anyone who did not cooperate had to be killed for his disobedience to the LORD.

… for his disobedience to the LORD of not having removed leaven ... ON THE FOURTEENTH DAY! 

So you are WRONG!

And please do not DROWN your problems in floods of posts, but deal with them responsibly, one by one. 

This, the enlarged and emboldened below, is ILLEGITIMATE AND CONTRA THE SCRIPTURES: 

>>Leaven is removed from the house on the Day of Preparation – Nisan 14 – Nisan 13/14 - for the Annual High Sabbath – the first day of Passover – Nisan 15 – Nisan 14/15. The Passover Lamb is also killed on the Lord's Passover - the Day of Preparation for the Annual High Sabbath – the First Day of Passover – Nisan 15

Nisan 14/15.<<

This, the below, is true in the light of Exodus 12:1-14 ONLY:

---Leaven is removed on the Day of “Preparation-of-Passover” – Nisan 14 – just Nisan 14 – for the Annual High Sabbath.

The Passover Lamb is also killed for the Annual High Sabbath on the Lord's Passover also called the “Preparation-of-Passover” in John 19:14 before sunset.

On the First Day of Unleavened Bread – the Annual High Sabbath and first day – not of the “Passover”, but of the “Feast of Unleavened Bread” – Nisan 15 – just Nisan 15 – “the flesh with the bread” were eaten after sunset “in that night”. Exodus 12:8.

"Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread after sunset “in that night”: FIRST TIME EVER  on Nisan 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.

But for ever after – in subsequent Scriptures as near as verses 15 and 18 of Exodus 12 and as far as Leviticus 23:6 and Joshua 5:9-12 et al –, “the flesh with the bread” were eaten after sunset “in that night” on Nisan 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21!

Then in Jesus Christ once for all and ever again.

This the following below, is ambiguous and if insisted that it is not ambiguous, is FALSE and deliberately MISLEADING,

"KJV Exodus 12:18

In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month (Nisan 14) at even (after sunset on Nisan 13),"

... because on the fourteenth day of the month (Nisan 14) at even after sunset, it was not in the first month, on “Nisan 13”!

But “on the fourteenth day of the month (Nisan 14) at even” after sunset was after sunset AFTER Nisan 13, ON Nisan 14 – just Nisan 14.

So it is nowhere written, or implied, or suggested, or alluded or whatever anywhere in Scripture : "Unleavened Bread is to be eaten from Nisan 14 until Nisan 21 – the 7th day of Passover which is also an Annual Sabbath. Nisan 21 begins at 6 PM on Nisan 20. It is not one of the seven days of Unleavened Bread." 

This is a plain, mess up ... contradicting your own above statement … and is meant for own suspicious and audacious, doctrinal purposes. In fact, you saying, "Nisan 21 begins at 6 PM on Nisan 20. It is not one of the seven days of Unleavened Bread", is you, BG unscrupulously CHALLENGING, CONTRADICTING AND DISPARAGING, Scripture ... in Exodus 12:18. 

Unleavened Bread was to be eaten from Nisan 14 ONLY AT THE FIRST passover; thereafter always “on the fifteenth day”:

from Nisan 15 “in that night” its beginning hours, 

until on Nisan 21 in its beginning hours, its night—

night of the 7th day of the “seven Days of Unleavened Bread”.

—which was NOT an Annual Sabbath like “the eighth day ye shall dwell in booths”, was.  

Nisan 21 began sunset after afternoon Nisan 20. Nisan 21 was the seventh and last of the seven days of Unleavened Bread eaten.




You said, “You must DISTINGUISH every one of the three 'first' days of the passover”.

I say, Nisan 14 (Nisan 13/14) is the day of the Lord's Passover.  It is the day of Preparation for the first day after death did pass over for the first time the night - evening - that began the first day of Passover which is Nisan 15 (Nisan 14/15).




Yes, “Nisan 14” – at first at the exodus ‘Nisan 13/14/15’ – WAS, “the day of the Lord's Passover.” And in the New Testament it had become known as “The Preparation of the passover” John 19:14. So, yes! But nothing LIKE YOUR bamboozled falsified monstrosity you describe as “the day of Preparation for the first day after death did pass over for the first time the night - evening - that began the first day of Passover which is Nisan 15 (Nisan 14/15)”. 

Nisan 14” was day of “Preparation-of-Passover” John 19:14,


AND “the HEAD first day … they always, had to KILL the passover and REMOVED LEAVEN on”, Exodus 12:15a Luke 22:7,14 Mark 14:12,17 (Matthew 26:17,20 John 13:1,30 1Corinthians 11:23.

Nisan 14” was NOT “after death did pass” but “ON the fourteenth day of the month … you shall KILL the passover late mid-afternoon”— in true English of the Hebrew.

So “Nisan 14” was “the day of Preparation for the first day after death” of the passover lamb— again NOT “…after death did pass over” in the sense you mean it, namely, death ESCAPED, but in the sense of the ‘pascha’s true meaning to go through the SUFFERING OF DEATH! Death was escaped “on the third day” of the Resurrection of the Anointed: on the Sabbath!

“Evening” in the KJV is archaic English; it does not have the meaning of the literal modern English word, ‘evening’ after sunset! ‘Evening’ in the KJV here in Exodus 12:6 is ‘LATE that day’ = ‘mid-afternoon’ = “the ninth hour” when “our Passover” had died. The KJV “evening” was NOT “the night - evening - that began” the NEXT day. The KJV “evening” ENDED the last part of the SAME day, even “the SELFSAME BONE-day they KILLED the passover late, mid-afternoon”.

The KJV “evening” in Exodus 12: 6 the last word in THAT verse, after Exodus 12:1-14 NEVER EVER has been “the first day of Passover which is Nisan 15 (Nisan 14/15)” the first day that unleavened bread for the first time ever was eaten.

Conclusion, “the first day of Passover which is Nisan 15” was NOT “the day they always had to kill the passover” and NEVER has or had been.

And the first day of Passover which is Nisan 14 that was “the day they always had to kill the passover” NEVER, EVER, has been a day on which only, unleavened bread was eaten; but ALWAYS except in Exodua 12:1-14 was and has been the exclusive day leaven was removed and the passover lamb was slaughtered.

I say again WHY:

BECAUSE the antitypical Passover Lamb of God would for the

first AND LAST time AGAIN, eat, and be, Passover of Yahweh HIMSELF, ON, the FOURTEENTH day passover was “kept” by BOTH slaughter AND eating. This is the necessarily ONLY explanation which the Jews KNEW OF AND UNDERSTOOD SO THOROUGHLY they had to somehow by hook or by CROOK explain it AWAY.

And you want to slavishly follow in their footsteps?!

Keep this straight and pure, “the first day of Passover …” is NOT “… Nisan 15”; it is Nisan 14!

Nisan 15” was

1) the SECOND day of the whole passover season; and

2) second of the “three days” the three “first” days of passover; and

3) “the first day” of unleavened bread feast / eaten.

Now your arithmetic wherewith you arrived at this sum,

The death of Jesus was on the day of Nisan 14 at 3 PM.  The third day after His death is Nisan 17” goes right over my head and right through the ceiling of what is written and right over Scripture. To mention but one, 2Chronicles 29:15-18 where Christ’s Resurrection is typified / prefigured / pro-phesied (heard-before),

1) “on the sixteenth day of the First Month”; and

2) on the Sabbath of the LORD GOD the Seventh Day of the week … see the rest of the chapter even from verse 18c and all things cleared, cleansed, ready and prepared for offering of the “shewbread” which was a Sabbath Day specific offering.



There are seven days of unleavened bread - Nisan 14until Nisan 21.  And there are seven days of Passover - Nisan 15 through Nisan 21.  The Jewish people added an eighth day of Passover that wasn't declared by God.



Re: “There are seven days of unleavened bread - Nisan 14 until Nisan 21

That is incorrect. “Nisan 14” AFTER THE EXODUS NEVER was

one of the “seven days of unleavened bread” again. The only correct understanding is by a sunset to sunset-reckoning of days ---

evening on Nisan 15 after sunset Nisan 14 eat … = x1;  

evening on Nisan 16 after sunset Nisan 15 eat … = x2;

evening on Nisan 17 after sunset Nisan 16 eat … = x3;

evening on Nisan 18 after sunset Nisan 17 eat … = x4;

evening on Nisan 19 after sunset Nisan 18 eat ... = x5;

evening on Nisan 20 after sunset Nisan 19 eat ... = x6;

evening on Nisan 21 after sunset Nisan 20 eat ... = x7.

Re: “And there are seven days of Passover - Nisan 15 through Nisan 21.”

Denied! There are eight days of passover (plus 49 more to Pentecost), “KEEP PASSOVER THE FOURTEENTH DAY” Exodus 12:6,11 Leviticus 23:5 Numbers 9:3,5,11; 28:16; 33:3 Josua 5:10 (Deuteronomy 16:2,6 2Kings 23:22,23 2Chronicles 30:15; 35:1,11 Ezra 6:19,20 [Esther 9:15— 12th and 1st months overlapped] Ezekiel 45:21 = Mark 14:12 Matthew 26:17 Luke 22:7-11 John 13:1,30 1Corinthians 11:23.

… all, Scriptures which BG simply waves as if nothing …!



The death of Jesus was on the day of Nisan 14 at 3 PM.  The third day after His death is Nisan 17.



We are not looking at “The third day after His death”. We are looking at “the third day Christ according to the Scriptures rose from the dead on”, which was Abib 16.



There are seven days of unleavened bread - Nisan 14until Nisan 21.  And there are seven days of Passover - Nisan 15 through Nisan 21.  The Jewish people added an eighth day of Passover that wasn't declared by God.



It doesn’t matter what “the Jewish people added” or took away. There are seven days of unleavened bread - Nisan 15 until Nisan 21, Exodus 12:18. “Nisan 14 until Nisan 21” gives you eight days which is not what the Scriptures give you. And there are eight days of Passover - Nisan 14, “the first day they kill the passover”— “keep the passover of the LORD on the fourteenth day”. Nisan 14 plus the seven days of unleavened bread give you eight days of passover. All the Jewish people agree. As far as I know they “added” no “eighth day of Passover that wasn't declared by God”. You added one.



Nothing has been added to God's Word. 

The seven days of Passover are Nisan 15 through Nisan 21.

 Jesus died on Wednesday, April 3, 30 AD, Nisan 14 at 3 PM, on the Hebrew Calendar.

Here is a verse about when those in the Exodus left Egypt:

Numbers 33:3

King James Version (KJV)

And they departed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month;

(They left Egypt on Nisan 15.)

on the morrow after the passover

(on Thursday night after death had passed over their homes on Wednesay night)

the children of Israel went out with an high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians.

The Jewish Talmud records that those in the Exodus left on Thursday.  It was the morning after the passover of death in their homes at midnight.  A Thursday departure means that it was Wednesday night - the evening of Nisan 14 that begins Nisan 15 - when death passed over the homes where the blood of the lamb was applied.  The Passover Lambs were killed on the day of Nisan 14.

The death of Jesus was in 30 AD - John 2:20.  The Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar shows the day of Nisan 14 and the evening of Nisan 14 that begins Nisan 15 the Annual High Sabbath - the first day of Passover was on Wednesday.

The Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar and the scriptures show that the days of the week at the time of the Exodus (based on the Talmud) were the same days of the week that Jesus fulfilled those appointed times with precision.  The lamb was selected on Nisan 10 - the seventh day Sabbath.  The lamb was killed on Nisan 14 - the fourth day of the week (Wednesday).  The resurrection of Jesus was on the third day of Passover - Nisan 17 - also the seventh day Sabbath.

“on the morrow after the passover

(on Thursday night after death had passed over their homes on Wednesay night)”.



Nothing added”?!

No; the seven days of Passover of unleavened bread Feast, yes, were “Nisan 15 through Nisan 21”; but that excluded passover of “the very first day … on the fourteenth day of the First Month”.

11 02 13

How to resolve the difficulty with the accepted translation of Exodus 12:18 …

It is obvious Exodus 12 covers TWO nights and TWO daylight days as happened everything that happened on those TWO days on the ONE DATE of "the fourteenth day of the First Month".

Verse 6,

“On the fourteenth day ye shall KILL (your lamb) late in the mid-afternoon.”

Verse 14

“THIS day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shal keep it a FEAST to the LORD.”

This is the ONLY time in all Scripture that the fourteenth day is called a “Feast”. “On the fourteenth day ye shall kill the passover late in the mid-afternoon.” The KILL of the passover is called a “FEAST”. This is the first, the last and the only instance a Scripture states the kill of the passover on the fourteenth day, a FEAST.

“And they shall EAT the flesh in THAT NIGHT WITH unleavened bread”—before the “morning” because next “morning, ye shall let nothing of it remain.” Verse 14, “This day”—“day”-time of the “kill” then “night”-time of the “feast” [eat]—“ye shall keep a feast.”

Verse 9,

“Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses”.

Verse 15,

“Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread [as follows]:

The very first day [the fourteenth day] ye shall PUT AWAY leaven out of your houses.

For whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul must be cut off from Israel.”

Verse 17,

“Ye shall observe unleavened bread in this selfsame Bone-day I have brought your armies out … Therefore shall ye  observe THIS day …

Verse 18a,

“… on the fourteenth day of the month late, mid-afternoon [‘ereb’].”

Here the pericope STOPS.

A NEW pericope starts,

Verse 18b,

“Ye shall eat unleavened bread until the one and twentieth day of the month late after sunrise in the night”—‘ereb’.

Note translation of ‘ereb’ with the meaning “late in the mid-afternoon” for the KILL;

but with the meaning “late after sunrise in the night” before the “morning”, verse 10, for the “FEAST” or “EAT” of unleavened bread.

Ever after Exodus 12:14 and 18 the two days and two nights

originally dated “fourteenth”, became dated two days, “fourteenth” and "fifteenth of the First Month".

Therefore is it illegitimate to only mention “Num.28:16” but not verse 17 also!

As the LORD led Israel “forth out of the land of Egypt”, the Egyptian ‘day’, was left behind—the old “fourteenth day” passed by— the old “fourteenth day” on which Israel in fact had eaten “the flesh” of the passover “lamb”, “with UNLEAVENED bread in its ‘ereb’”—“late after sunset day”.

Therefore “THAT SELFSAME-BONE-DAY”, the past, “fourteenth day”, had become “the fifteenth day” IN the LORD’S REDEMPTION—although the LORD’S yet not completed redemption.

Now, as the LORD led and carried Israel “FORTH OUT”, the Israelites while the sun rose in the morning, found themselves BETWEEN DEATH AND LIFE and in the middle of the new day from sunset to sunset. They found themselves in the middle of the “DAY OF THE LORD” and JUDGMENT, “on the fifteenth day of the First Month”.

ALL subsequent Scriptures will mean or in so many words will declare, “Then in the FIFTEENTH day of this month is FEAST”, because “they DEPARTED from Rameses on the FIFTEENTH day of the First Month ON THE MORNING AFTER THE PASSOVER.” Numbers 28:17; 33:3.

The Salvation of the LORD is the ONLY solution to overcoming the seeming discrepancy in the date of the actual first passover that resulted in the FEAST of Unleavened Bread being MOVED AWAY from Exodus 12:14 onto “this SELFSAME BONE-day” in Exodus 17, 42, 51, “the fifteenth day of the First Month”.

Give me another, a better, explanation?

I shall take note of it only if the “SALVATION OF THE LORD IS” of the essence of it!



Nisan 15 and Nisan 21 are annual sabbaths.  The Seventh Day is

the weekly Saturday Sabbath.  There are three sabbaths during the Passover Week - during the seven days of Passover (Nisan 15, Nisan 16, Nisan 17, Nisan 18, Nisan 19, Nisan 20 and Nisan 21).



Nisan 21 was not an “annual sabbath”. There were only two ‘sabbaths’ any year on any one day of the week plus the Seventh Day Sabbath between Abib 14 and 21.



Re: "the day after the sabbath you must count from ..." to Pentecost / Shavuoth.

The day after the first Sabbath of the Passover Week is Nisan 16. 

It is the day of First Fruits.  You count 49 days from Nisan 16 which brings you to the evening of the morning of the day of Pentecost - Sivan 6



“… the evening of the morning of the day …” does not exist in the Bible or in life and I am getting surer by the minute, also not in Judaism. I think it is only in your head.



Pentecost is counted from the day after the Annual Sabbath of Nisan 15.  Sivan 6, the day of Pentecost is 50 days from Abib/Nisan 15, the day of the Annual Sabbath.  It is 49 days from Abib/Nisan 16, first fruits.



Who says Pentecost is on “Sivan 6”?  Not the Torah! Even the Judaists differ among themselves. Don’t turn to them for certainty!



Numbers 33:3 tells us that those in the Exodus left Ramses Egypt on Nisan 15 - the Annual Sabbath.



I’m so glad you noticed and make a note of it! When the right moment arrive I’ll tell you why.



Exodus 19 tells us that they reached the mountain of God on Sivan 1 that began at sunset on Iyyar 29.  It was six days later on Sivan 6, Pentecost, when God spoke His commandments to the people in the Exodus.  Exodus 20 tells us about the words that God spoke on Pentecost.


The words that God spoke say nothing of a 29 days month! The Israelites though had a year of 12 months which presupposes their months were 30 days long; not 29 days that would have “Iyyar 29” and “six days later … Sivan 6”.



From Nisan 15 until Nisan 30 is 15 days.  From Nisan 30 until Iyyar 29 is 29 days.  When you add 15 and 29 it is 44 days.  After 44 days those in the Exodus arrived at the Mountain of God on Iyyar 29.  It was six days later on Sivan 6 when God spoke His Ten Commandments to the people.



I don’t think so. The fiftieth day after the 16th day of the First month God came down through the Holy Spirit. God three days after, “spoke His Ten Commandments to the people”.



Re: "when they removed leaven and killed the passover";

It was the day of the Lord's Passover - Nisan 14 - the day of Preparation for the first day of Passover.  Nisan 14, the day of the Lord's Passover, was when the leaven was removed from the house

and the lamb was killed. 






Re: “the first day until the seventh day", "unleavened bread (was) eaten" ... the "sabbath"”

The first until the seventh day of unleavened bread is Nisan

14 until Nisan 21. 



Again, first and only time ever in Exodus 12:18, the “first until the seventh day of unleavened bread is Nisan 14 until Nisan 21”, yes, because first and only time ever in Exodus 12 ‘Nisan 14’ was ‘Nisan 13/14/15’; but thereafter forever , ‘Nisan 13/14/15’ had become ‘night and day Nisan 14’ AND ‘night and day Nisan 15’. There is no other way to explain it than the fact the Exodus story in chapters 10 to 15 extended over two nights and two days all dated “the fourteenth day of the First Month”.

18 08 12

You busy yourself with vanities created by your misplacing NEW Testament texts under Judaist worldview that unsuccessfully attempted to relive the Hebrew setting of ages before Christ.



What you stated doesn't make sense.  The Old Testament scriptures prophesied about the Jewish Messiah who was to come. 



Jesus was no “Jewish Messiah”; He is the Saviour of all God’s elect, no matter race.



The New Testament scriptures tell us about the Jewish Messiah

who came. Jesus who is God came to earth as a Jewish man born through Israel's Tribe of Judah. 



God did not come to earth “as a Jewish man”. The Eternal, Son-of-God, was born of a woman of the tribe of Judah as “The Son-of-Man”. That “Holy Thing” – God – is no “Jewish man”. But that’s another subject—no ‘subject’ like a cadaver for mental dissection. 



The tetragrammaton that gives us God's name in Exodus 3 is a Hebrew name.



Yes; it shows four letters of human design and God who is his NAME are two things.



Jesus came to earth in the Father's name.  The Father's name is Yahweh.  The Hebrew name of Jesus is Yahshua.



And Jesus’ Name is also, Yahweh. Every time He said, “I AM” He identified with his Name, “I-AM-Who-I-Am”, just like his Father. That doesn’t say God the Father or God the Son’s Name in English is any less his Name than in Hebrew, and that doesn’t mean one day is not one day, but two days overlapping half-way; it’s got nothing to do with it.









In Exodus 3 God also identified Himself as the great "I am."  Jesus also stated in John, "Before Abraham was "I am."  I am comes from the Hebrew word HaYah.  The word HalleluYah means praise God.



That was a good observation. Nevertheless, your misfortune started and ended with IRRELEVANCES as concerns the subject of this conversation, ‘The Last Week and the Three Days and Three Days and Three Nights of Jesus’ Last Passover’.



Your disparaging comments that have been made "in your words" about God's biological family makes the word "misfortune" stand out in your statement.  Wonder how God feels about your disparaging comments made against descendents of His natural born family.

For your information my physical birth was as a Gentile; there is no Jewish heritage in my biological family.  As a spiritually born child of God, a Christian, I'm aware that the Old Testament scriptures were inspired in the Hebrew language and that some of the Greek words in the New Testament had to be taken from the Hebrew language.  Paul spoke and understood Hebrew and Greek but God spoke to him in Hebrew on the road to Damascus.

With the possible exception of Luke the entire Bible was inspired by a Hebrew God - Yahweh - to holy Jewish men. 



There we go again … the guaranteed usual route. Poor Luke! What wrong did he do?!



To correctly understand what has been written it is important to understand our Hebraic roots



O, Luke didn’t have “Hebraic roots” …!



What is described in Exodus 12 was the revelation of God's plan for our salvation and redemption.  Those scripture prophesied what was to come through Jesus - Yahshua.  To understand the events and timing of what Jesus fulfilled with precision (as documented in the gospels, especially in John) Exodus 12 and Leviticus 23 need to be accurately understood.  John 2:20, John 12 . . . and other Old Testament scriptures are what enable us to see the truth. Seeing the truth also requires use of the Hebrew/Roman Gregorian Calendar and Hebrew Time. It is Hebrew dates and Hebrew times that are

recorded in the scriptures.



“… the truth also requires …” The fork in the road miles back … and we two still shouting to and at one another from different roads … ridiculous!

Any New Testament Scriptures you or anyone else claim to have translated into Hebrew, is NOT the Hebrew of the Old Testament and is NOT inspired by the Holy Spirit like the Hebrew of the Old Testament, but is YOUR, work --- a work of self-righteousness --- absolutely certain NOT the Hebrew the New Testament supposedly was originally written in. So, EVERY claim you make is as false as a donkey's love call.

God's 'calendars' are two: 


The seven-day week that ends on the Seventh Day Sabbath : "OF THE LORD GOD". It is _God's_ NOT the Jews' or Hebrews'. 

ANYONE finds THIS 'calendar' of God IN the Bible and FROM the Bible _only_; not from fourth to sixth century Christ and Christian hating Jews.


The 'annual-feasts calendars' - several feasts and holy days and so on, but ALL derived from the first 'annual feast' of the 'passover' the three first days of, were the "three days" of the Passover of Yahweh in Jesus Christ. Determined from and by God's creation, the sun, the moon and the earth, and "observed" and "counted" and "proclaimed" by man --- NOT by the Christ and Christian hating Jews or Hebrews from the fourth to the sixth century. 

ANYONE finds THIS 'calendar' of God IN the Bible and FROM the Bible _only_ and without ANY consultations or observations outside the Bible.

If _you_ cannot find these two 'calendars' of God in the BIBLE

ONLY you do not know or understand or BELIEVE God’s Word. 

If you had to first become a Jew in order to become a Christian, you are a FAKE. Jews must first become GENTILES AND LOST LIKE THE GENTILES in order to be born into the Family of the SPIRITUAL Israel of true Christians. If not, they are FAKE Jews as they are FAKE Christians. 




The God-given, and therefore eschatological imperative 

WHOLENESS AND FULLNESS of the “three days”, of the “three days and three nights”, ”ON THE THIRD DAY” of which


“according to the Scriptures” the passover-Scriptures,

“rose again”, 

“from the dead” as “the plague was on Him”,

“three days THICK DARKNESS”

of Egypt’s last two plagues

and the First Born of God typified

was “killed the very first day”,

“on the fourteenth day of the First Month”. 

[“KEPT passover … and they KILLED passover 

on the fourteenth day …

and PREPARE your brethren …

so all the service of the LORD was

PREPARED that same day

TO keep passover …

AND the FEAST of  Unleavened Bread …

AT THAT TIME” of passover. 2Chro35:1,6,16,17.]   

And “on the first day you must eat unleavened bread”,

“on the fifteenth day of the First Month” of

“The Feast-” and “great-day-sabbath” of

the passover;

And “that which remained” of the sacrifice,

the body of Jesus,

had to be assimilated with the earth 

and be BURIED;  

“On the day after the sabbath of the passover…” —

“On the sixteenth day of the First Month

they made an end (and) … have 

cleansed all the house of the LORD” 2Chro29:17,18—

“… you must bring the First Sheaf offering and wave it






Then we will have to disagree.

Yom HaBikkurim is on the first day of the week following Passover. Yeshua is called the First Fruits. I believe that :)



There are a great many who believe as you do.  In fact it is taught that way by far too many people.  For a great many years I, too, believed it to be true until after an intense study of the scriptures since 1990 - more than two decades - which include a focus on God's appointed times throughout the Old and New Testaments.  The scriptures do not support the day of the resurrection of Jesus

to be on first fruits. 

The day of First Fruits is a harvest of the first fruits of the land - the Barley Harvest.  The sheaf is an omer (one-tenth of an Ephah like our bushel basket) from the Barley Harvest.  The scriptures show that Joshua and those with him made that offering to God when they entered the promise land on Nisan 16.

Leviticus 23:10
“Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘When you come into the land which I give to you, and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest (a grain harvest) to the priest.

The scriptures show First Fruits to be the day after the Annual

Sabbath not the day after the Seventh Day Sabbath.  First Fruits is on Nisan 16 not Nisan 17.  Scriptures shown beginning with Numbers 33:3 that those in the Exodus left Ramses, Egypt on Nisan 14.  It was 44 days later when they reached the Mountain of God on the evening of Sivan 1 - Exodus 19.  It was six days later on Sivan 6 - the day of Pentecost when God spoke the Ten Commandments to His people - Exodus 20.



I am glad I agree with you, BG, with most said here. 

Clarity on two points may help.


>> Numbers 33:3 that those in the Exodus left Ramses, Egypt on Nisan 14. <<

I presented to you the only possible solution to this SEEMING contradiction between Exodus 12:1-14 and the whole rest of the Scriptures, “Numbers 33:3” included—which does NOT have “on Nisan 14”, but 15-FIFTEEN! You looked down on it; continue to do so!


'First Fruits' offerings as such were something different than the annual "First Sheaf Offering Waved before the LORD ... on the day after the sabbath" of the passover's "Feast Day".


The annual "sabbath"-of-passover's-"Feast-Day" was a 'feast'--- that is, a day of and for EATING --- of Unleavened Bread the first day of seven days, CLEARLY, AND EXCLUSIVELY IDENTIFIED AND _NAMED_ "the fifteenth day of the First Month" --- except in Exodus 12:1-14 where it is dated the "fourteenth day". "The day after the sabbath",  "after" THIS, "FEAST-sabbath"-of-Abib-15, is "the sixteenth day" on which "they CLEANSED the sanctuary and made an end" by "bringing" and "waving" the "First Sheaf Offering-before-the-Lord". It could fall on ANY day of the week. 

But in the First Sheaf of Resurrection-LIFE of Jesus Christ, "GOD



















‘The Lord’s Day in the Covenant of Grace’

by Gerhard Ebersöhn

24 01 13